Spirit Animal Quiz

What ~~energy~ do you give off?

Emery Schindler


Photo by Arnesh Yadram from Pexels


Buy vegetables intending to eat them but end up ordering GrubHub instead, leaving the produce to rot in the graveyard that is your fridge.

Prefer shots over mixed drinks and force your preference on others when drunk.

Have one perfectly ironed shirt that you wear for every Zoom call. (With no pants.) (Ever.)

Your spirit animal is a…

Image Source (Edited by the author)


Listen to podcasts solely for conversation fodder but can never remember exactly what was said so you end up spewing inaccurate information most of the time.

Can’t resist reading every self-help article that pops up.

Don’t have a case on your phone because Neil Degrasse Tyson doesn’t use one (you’ve only cracked it once).

Your spirit animal is…

Image Source (Edited by the author)


