Submission Guidelines For ‘R.E.M.’s Friday, June 23, 1995 Concert At Madison Square Garden’ Magazine

Submissions must be unique and well organized, just like the band’s setlist on June 23, 1995 at Madison Square Garden.

Christopher Shelley
Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2020


Illustration by Louis Sobol

Here at ‘R.E.M.’s Friday, June 23, 1995 Concert At Madison Square Garden’ Magazine, we publish articles about R.E.M.’s Friday, June 23, 1995 concert at Madison Square Garden.

Non-Fiction Only

Please keep your submissions light and family-friendly, no vulgarity, no advertising, no lists, no fiction. We accept only real, non-fiction, first-hand recounting of your life experiences as they pertain to R.E.M.’s Friday, June 23, 1995 concert at Madison Square Garden.

Desired Topics

We are interested in any and all minutiae about the concert itself, from the first chords of ‘I Took Your Name’ to the final frenzy of ‘It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)’.

We want to know:

  • How you felt the moment you woke up alone the morning of June 23, 1995 and thought, ‘I’m going to an R.E.M. concert tonight. At Madison Square Garden.’
  • Whether you carried your ticket in your wallet, your…



Christopher Shelley

Wedding Celebrant | Speaker | Emcee — Humor in Slackjaw, Little Old Lady Comedy, Points in Case. Weddings: