Ten Places To Keep Your Rocks

A Child’s Organizational Guide

Shannon J Curtin


Photo by Lawrence Aritao on Unsplash

1. In small, specifically arranged piles on the floor.

Displaying your rocks in a plethora of small piles in the high-traffic areas of your living space is the most popular option. Indeed, creating an immersive, 360-degree exhibit for your rocks allows them to be fully appreciated from every angle, but comes with significant risk. Caretakers will constantly destroy your painstaking work as they lumber around with their giant feet.

2. In the bathroom sink drain.

Good for cleaning big rocks you dug out of the mud and carried, dripping, through the house. Best for small rocks and gravel as they can create a relaxing ambiance of natural drainage and future calls to Mr. Steve the Plumber and his fancy toolbox.

3. The washing machine

A classic derived from the olden days when your parents or grandparents used to wash the family’s clothes in the riverbanks with the use of… you guessed it, rocks! Keeping rocks in the washing machine ensures the cleanliness of both your beloved stones and whatever clothes their jagged edges rub against. If they go unnoticed, the thump, thump, thumping of your rocks tumbling around the dryer provides an added musical…



Shannon J Curtin

Poet, essayist, and humor writer. She holds an MBA, competitive shooting records, and her liquor. She would probably like you.