Thank You For Your Service

Life as a talking bedspread isn’t as fun as it sounds.

Jawal Nga


Credit: The Author

Thank you for taking the time to meet. From what your publicist tells me you’ve been going non–stop.

You’re welcome. I mean, my story needs to get OUT there.

Agreed. It’s an incredible one.

Thank you.

So, the past few weeks must have been very difficult. Can you walk me through them?

In a word, they’ve been brutal.

I can’t imagine. So, you were born in –

Manufactured. I was made, not born.

Of course. Apologies. Manufactured in India. Do you know which state?

Nope. All it says on the certificate is “India.” No further information given. That’s how little it mattered to them.

As long as you did your job —

As long as I laid there and took whatever it was they threw at me —

— then they were happy?

I guess so. They weren’t big on feedback. Good or bad. They didn’t say nothing about nothing.

And you were at the hotel for how long?

Two years and change. Arrived June 2014. Left May–ish 2016.



Jawal Nga

Jawal Nga is a lapsed film producer who lives in New York City. More of his work may be found at