The 8 Most Accurate Childbirth Scenes In Pop Culture, Written By Someone Whose Best Friend Is A Gynecologist

Looking at Hollywood as a real “delivery room” expert over here.

Rachel Marsh


Image Copyright: Universal Pictures. (Fair Use.)

Have you ever seen a labor or birth scene on TV or in a movie, and realized that it’s so obviously inaccurate? That it’s been either: way over-dramatized, or way downplayed — just for the sake of the scene?

And you’re like, wow, that would NEVER happen in real life!

As someone whose best friend is a gynecologist, I’ve been exposed to years of anecdotes from the Labor & Delivery Department, little known facts about things like “placenta,” and pictures of babies. And from these experiences, I have a uniquely heightened viewpoint when it comes to real life labor as portrayed in pop culture.

While it’s astounding how many TV shows and movies get it TOTALLY wrong, there are many that manage surprising authenticity. So, with inner circle access to the delivery room itself, I’ve put together the top eight most accurate childbirth scenes to help you get the most realistic depiction of “the miracle of life” (as they call it in the medical field).


When Angie, Amy Poehler’s quirky trailer trash character, is being wheeled into…



Rachel Marsh

Award-winning writer, non-award-winning comedian.