The Best Prank Of All Time

Jack Power
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2020


Photo by Craig Renaud

I’m eight years old. Dad’s driving the family to Prince Edward Island. He says we should play the silent game, but I don’t want to. I say we should play the loud game, but Dad doesn’t want to. I’m so bored from no games, I decide to make a prank.

I pick up a crayon and a piece of paper and write “hElp!” on it. I hold it against the back window. It would be funny if someone thought I was being kidnapped.

As cars drive by, I point to my sign and make like my mouth is going “ahhhh!” but quiet.

After time, a car with flashing red and blue lights drives behind our car. I point to my sign. “Ahhhh!” my mouth goes, but quiet. The man in the car has big sirens.

Dad seems way angrier than normal. He pulls over. The man in the bright, loud car stops and walks over to Dad’s window.

“Evening officer,” Dad says.

“The child in your backseat is holding up a sign that reads ‘hElp!’ I’m gonna need you to step out of the vehicle. You too, ma’am.”

“That’s just my son. He gets very bored with no games. I’m sorry about this,” Dad says.


“What?? No, that’s not true.”

“Sir, I’m gonna need you to come with me. You too, ma’am.”

