The Browth Mindset (Bros Help Other Bros Grow)

Nathan Pashley
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2022
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For the past 20 years, the psychology team at Stanford University have studied the various attitudes toward failure in the bro population. Recently, the team discovered the existence of two distinct attitudes inside the mind of the bro. The first is The Fixed Mindset in which a bro views failure as a sign of his own inherent limitations, and the second is The Browth Mindset, the belief that a bro can help another bro learn and grow from his failures.

Fixed Mindset: “It’s not worth trying.”

Browth Mindset: “Bro, in therapy circles we call this ‘Limited Thinking’: a thought pattern that’s not only a total buzzkill to your wellbeing, but also a huge detriment to your overall vibe.”

Fixed Mindset: “I am my mistakes.”

Browth Mindset: “You are not your mistakes. You’re your actions, your values, and whatever is written in your Tinder profile bio. Repeat after me, ‘I’m defined by my matches, not by my mistakes.’”

Fixed Mindset: “I’ll never be good enough.”

Browth Mindset: “The bros and I asked Stacey to rate you yesterday and she gave you a solid 9, but right now you’re talking like a 6. This tells me that your ‘Self-Concept’ — or to use a more common term, ‘Self-Perception’ — needs to be aligned with how others perceive you, not how you perceive yourself.”

Fixed Mindset: “If others succeed, I feel threatened.”

Browth Mindset: “Your success and your bros’ success can co-exist. Instead of feeling jealous about the achievements of a fellow bro, try to find inspiration in them. Remember, all bros rise with the tide.”

Fixed Mindset: “I can’t learn anything new.”

Browth Mindset: “Don’t listen to the voice telling you that you can’t grow, learn, or squat 285 — that’s just your ‘Inner Critic’ talking. A popular method to disempower and silence the critic is to give it a humiliating nickname. I call mine Dick Cheese.”

Fixed Mindset: “I’m afraid of the future.”

Browth Mindset: “Bro, this is textbook ‘Catastrophizing’: a form of ‘Cognitive Distortion’ that would have a bro believe that his future is destined to be a legit bummer. The best way to correct this behavior is to bring yourself into the Here and Now.

…Now close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Completely surrender yourself to the present moment…

Open your eyes. Look around you. Who do you see? Kyle, Tanner, Spencer, Cocklord, Chet, Lance, Dylan, and of course, me — The Chadmeister. That’s right, all of your bros, by your side, here to support you today, tomorrow and until the end of time.”

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