The Catcher In The Rye’s Holden Caulfield Reviews Broadway Musicals

Adam Bakst
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2020


Photo by Peter Lewicki on Unsplash


These two girls, they’re real funny, but in a damn near strange way. Anyways, they kill these two bastards of guys, real preppy jerks almost. It’s terrible. They got themselves this lawyer, and he’s good and all but a real sonuvabitch. He lies and everything to get them off — its all kind of crazy. I didn’t feel like much of it was even worth it, the thing is they do it all for some lousy fame.


This is a real wild one. This guy ran off with another, leaving his wife and kid and all behind, but he still wants this tight-knight family. I mean this guy starts having a real helluva time trying to keep it all, it’s a knockout, really. And it’s kind of funny too, you can see how his therapist is trying, and goes for his wife, too. It’s interesting, the kind of stuff you see like this.

The Music Man

So, one day this guy who seems real polite gets this whole crumby town to buy some musical instruments for their kids, but he’s really tricking them. I tell you, that made me real sore. How a guy can just do that and all. The whole kind of thing, just taking advantage of these people, even though some of them were real morons, just for some dough, just to end up with the girl at the end. Maybe he wasn’t…



Adam Bakst

Adam Bakst is a full-time PR executive, part-time comedy writer and all-around decent guy.