The Magic School Bus Gets Psychoanalyzed!

Spencer Roth-Rose
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2020


Illustration by Pia Mileaf-Patel

The Walkerville Elementary science classroom. The class waits for Ms. Frizzle to arrive.

ARNOLD: Ugh, I had the weirdest dream last night —

WANDA: Arnold, not again!

ARNOLD: I was at baseball practice, but my coach was an ice cream sandwich? But when I tried to eat —

There is a commotion as Ms. Frizzle bursts through the door, knocks over a beaker, and sets off a small explosion in the corner of the room.

MS. FRIZZLE: Good morning, class!

TIM: Ms. Frizzle, this is the third time this week Arnold’s told us about his messed up dreams. Is there something wrong with him?

MS. FRIZZLE: Excellent question, Tim! As my good friend Sigmund Freud once said, “Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.”

ARNOLD: ”Royal road”? Uh-oh. Does that mean we’re going on a… field trip?

MS. FRIZZLE: Not for you, Arnold! I’m sure you, an unsupervised and anxiety-ridden fourth grader, will be perfectly fine keeping an eye on things here by yourself.

