Thinking About How To Live Here In Space Isn’t Easy

But it beats not thinking about it at all.

David Milgrim


We live in a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, immersed in an enigma, and pressed in a puzzle. No one knows how we got here. No one knows where the hell here even is. And most pressingly, no one knows what we should be doing until it’s time to go.

Here’s one possibility.

Obviously, we can do as the unreasoning, unthinking process of natural selection would have us do and procreate. That’s a no brainer.

It takes no thought at all.

But having a family doesn’t provide a framework to guide our decisions. Figuring out “how to live” requires a broader doctrine, based on what’s important and what’s not, by which we can organize our ambitions and measure our progress. The trouble is that everyone has different ideas about this, and it’s hard to know who to listen to.

