Today I Will Finish A Writing Thing!

An imagined Mo Willems book series for writers!

Sarah Garfinkel


Co-written by Sarah Garfinkel and Julie Vick and illustrated by Ali Solomon

Today I Will Finish a Writing Thing!

Watch Me Attempt to Write a Publishable Piece Today!

Don’t Let the Writer Check Twitter!

My Twitter Friend Has a 9–5 Office Job! I am Feeling Jealous.

Twitter, the Terrible Time-Sucking Monster.

Watch Me Start A New File Called “Final_FINAL_Revision_52!

Writer’s Block: A Cautionary Tale.

The Good-for-Nothing Self-Imposed Deadline!

I Will Tweet About My Nap! That Will Count Toward My Daily Word Count.

Watch Me Eat Dry Cereal With My Hands While I Look Up Words in the Thesaurus!

Waiting for the Submittable Queue to Change is Not Easy!



Sarah Garfinkel

Sarah Garfinkel is a writer living in Cambridge, MA. You can find more of her writing at