Tonight’s Agenda for Overthinking

Alex Baia
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2020


Illustration by Emily Clouse

11:40–11:45 PM: Reading The Room

I’m just lying here in bed, thinking about not sleeping. Right on schedule. Since I know this always happens, could I have prevented it? Do I have ownership over my own thoughts? Let’s table that issue. Tonight’s disaster begins now.

11:45 PM-12 AM: The Empathetic Shift

Earlier today, when I told David, “Can’t wait for my vacation!” he probably thought that means I hate working for him at BubbleApp. He smiled and replied, “I’ll bet! Big Bend is lovely. Have fun!” But a person can use their visible enthusiasm as a thin veil for disappointment and contempt. I should email David right now to tell him that I absolutely do not hate working for him!

12–12:03: Considering Downsides

Is midnight too late for work email? Probably. I’ll look like a maniac. But David might appreciate that I’m meticulous! Or maybe I’ll look sane but desperate? Hard to say.

12:03–12:20: Big Questions

Ah,12:03. Time to question my life choices. Does making software even fulfill me? Am I just living for safety? What if I’d studied philosophy instead? I could’ve been a professor and lived a morally-pure life of the mind! I should go back to school, earn…



Alex Baia

Humor writer, book junkie, stargazer, optimist. Resident philosophy major. Get my humor newsletter: