Top 5 Funniest Memes My Coworkers & I Came Up With That Unfortunately Didn’t Go Viral

Be Maria
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2020
Image by Malachi Witt from Pixabay

Wow, can’t believe we’re here again. Another year down, another set of hilarious memes me and my coworkers came up with that, unfortunately, did not take off as we expected. What started off as just the guys hanging around the break room has launched us into a comedy collective. Without our memes, Ralph wouldn’t have started his podcast, Jose wouldn’t have had the courage to take Improv 201, and Matt wouldn’t have ever played that hilarious prank on his fiancée.

Here are the top 5 most hilarious memes we came up with that could still totally go viral, please!


Ok, so, Ralph found this hilarious picture of a goldfish on Shutterstock and the goldfish’s eyes are, like, so big. So, imagine this goldfish — standard, red, scale-covered — with huge eyes and underneath it says, “When the water hot but you don’t got a bladder.”

This one really made us laugh hard. Our boss even said it “has legs.” Matt thought that was hilarious and said that, “This thing’s got legs” should actually be the caption. I told him it was a little on the nose and that it’s not 2012 anymore; we need to be pushing the boundaries of what a meme could be. Ralph took that pretty personally and Jose said I was being a little harsh. I’m not being harsh, I’m being realistic.

I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I later apologized over OutLook Meeting Manager.


For as long as the internet has been around, fat cats have been having their moment. But imagine pictures of really, really skinny cats, and there’s a lot of them and they’re all sitting on a fence together.

Jose said it’s not funny if the cats are just skinny, which started a huge debate about whether or not memes are inherently supposed to be funny or if it’s more about the shared language of the internet. Matt fired back that Jose should know about not being funny. Ralph logged off.

Things were pretty awkward after that. We didn’t Skype Instant Message each other the rest of the week.


This one speaks for itself!!


2019 was the year of the script-based Twitter meme, and we knew we had to jump on that bandwagon. Here’s one we came up with. Feel free to use it, please!

DENTIST: Have you been flossing?

ME: Have you been flossing?

DENTAL HYGIENIST: Have I been flossing?

ME, lowering sunglasses: This is praxis

It has all the big themes of 2019 — socialism, healthcare, the revitalization of people caring about their teeth, etc. Unfortunately, we only got one retweet from a nice woman named Darla from Kiev.

I was kind of pumped about that, but Matt was all “Don’t get excited. It’s just one retweet.” And I was like, here we go again! Matt knows everything about memes! If Matt’s so great, how come none of his memes have international retweets?

The pressure was starting to get to us, each unnoticed meme pressing into our backs like a cold knife. I set my away message on Skype For Business and logged out of GChat; thought about uninstalling Slack, even. I just needed to get away.


It was during a single lucid moment in the middle of an anxiety-induced nightmare that this one came to me. Imagine: the ALS ice bucket challenge… but with piping hot java, baby. That’s right. We’re talking combining the power of a beloved beverage, nostalgia for 2015, AND physical pain and humiliation. This was it. I even tested it out at home! I couldn’t stop laughing!

Matt said it was the worst one yet. “There isn’t even a punchline,” he all-caps Microsoft for Business Instant Messaged me. He set his OutLook Out Of Office for the next three weeks and went invisible on Slack. I even tried pinging him on Asana and JIRA, but he still hasn’t responded.

This was supposed to be it — the meme that changed everything for us. If Matt could just see the Coffee Boi Challenge, maybe it would change his mind.

Matt, if you’re reading this: please follow up before EOD.



Be Maria

World’s first “Wife Guy.” All opinions here are those of the tiny lizard living in my hair. Writer & comedian in Philadelphia.