We Came To This Isolated New England Town To Form A Militia, Not To Engage In Fun Fall Activities

Men, we want to be intimidating, not “festive,” “artsy-fartsy,” or anything that screams, “Hey, nothing to worry about here, we’re just kids playing army in the woods.”

Tod Brubaker


Photo by James Kirkikis on Shutterstock. Bullet holes by Adam Cramer.


TO: Green Mountain Boys

FROM: Captain Pain

SUBJECT: Maintaining Militia Discipline

My Fellow Patriots:

Over the past several weeks, I’ve observed some things that make me think you guys aren’t taking your training seriously enough. Do I need to remind you why we came to this remote corner of Vermont? We’re here to form a KICK-ASS MILITIA, not to engage in fun fall activities.

I’ve talked to you about this before, so I’ll make it easy for you guys: CEASE AND DESIST WITH THE ARTS AND CRAFTS.

Just this morning, Destroyer skipped guerrilla warfare and sabotage class to “decorate” the camp. Don’t get me wrong: sprucing up the ammo dump with a pumpkin topiary is a very creative idea. I particularly love the garland weaved with dried leaves, barbed wire, and pipe bombs. And the gourd “cartridge box” painted with skulls —…

