Welcome To Our Freelance Writing Casino, Where The Odds Are Hardly Ever In Your Favor

Julie Vick
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2019


Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

Welcome to our freelance writing casino! Feel free to stop by our Twitter pitch fight arena — where you can battle other writers to be the last one standing for a chance to receive a modest assignment. Or stroll around and get a chance to enjoy any of our other popular games.


Step up to our Pitch Jack table to send out pitches to editors with names like Jack, and also other names. You’ll know this game from the group of people standing around their laptops, cheering or scowling as their emails roll in. If you’d like to spend hours researching and writing a carefully crafted pitch or story that could land you thousands of dollars or nothing at all, then this is the game for you. Here are your odds:

  • Chances of your email being opened in a blind pitch: 20%
  • Chances of your email being opened if you’ve worked with the publication before: 50%
  • Chances of your email never being opened because you didn’t send it because you think it’s awful and you wonder why you are even still trying: 25%
  • Chances of your email never being opened because you sent it to an editor who just left their job for a more lucrative career in dog walking: 5%



Julie Vick

Humor writer and snack-getter. Newsletter with funny stuff and writing tips at: https://julievick.substack.com/