What I Write About When I Write #AmWriting

Amanda Rosenberg
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2018
  • A two line email containing five parentheses.
  • Title for an empty google doc.
  • A “breezy” DM to an ex.
  • Filling out the “any other comments?” in an online form.
  • A text with full grammar and punctuation.
  • Nothing.
  • Any tweet.
  • Pros and cons list of what it would be like to date me.
  • An entire novel…in a group chat.
  • That pointy “S” you know the one.
  • Reading.
  • One bullet of a bullet journal.
  • “Happy Birthday!” on three Facebook’s acquaintances’s walls.
  • “lmaaooo” in a couple of group chats where you haven’t been so active.
  • A to-do list that just has “writing” on it.
  • Repeated searches for synonyms for “said”.
  • Intriguing yet nonsensical sentences in my notes app.
  • An invoice.
  • That thing where you pretend to type really fast like this: njkgrwngndhfiouwhfildahskufjdbshkufhdskfbhkdshfuilehwioflhailhfl.
  • Playing Scrabble which is still writing if you think about it.
  • #AmWriting

