What Your LinkedIn Photo Says About You Besides “Hire Me”

Keep trying.



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The Way-Too-Serious Photo

You just made a million dollars, solved a murder, or discovered a cure for a disease. You don’t mess around and are ready to make your next million with a company you like to address as “The Firm.”

The Sports Nut

You always wear as much of your favorite team’s branded merchandise as you can: hats, scarves, gloves, and jerseys like you’re president of the tailgate party at the stadium’s parking lot. You always say “We” when discussing the team and mention players by their first names. Your office desk will be littered with kitschy signed sports memorabilia. You’ll push to have your colleagues lightly gamble on every week’s game to alleviate the humiliation of all the money you’ve lost at the casino’s sportsbook.

The Clueless World Traveler

You’re smiling in a selfie at a sacred site where hundreds of people perished. If you get the job, you’ll have cheapy overseas souvenirs on your desk and will never tip the people that deliver your “exotic” food.

Roller Coaster Ride Shot

You spent about $38 on this photo, not including the admission ticket from whatever park you recently visited. To the untrained eye, it seems hard to…




Kurt is just trying to put more humor in the world. Please consider supporting him here: https://medium.com/@kzem/membership