Who Said It: My Hair Or My Anxiety?

Marcela Onyango
Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
  1. “I wish I were easier to manage.”
  2. “What if I’m incapable of growth?”
  3. “I just want to hide so no one sees the mess I am.”
  4. “Just give up on me, I’m not worth it.”
  5. “Everyone is looking at me because something is wrong with me.”
  6. “I’m difficult to deal with and that’s why no one likes me.”
  7. “It doesn’t matter how much time and effort I invest; things will always be bad.”
  8. “Everything I’ve done until now has been a waste of time.”
  9. “I’ll always be tangled up and there’s nothing I can do about that.”
  10. “I can’t afford professional help.”
  11. “It takes too much time and effort to stay healthy.”
  12. “I’ve watched so many YouTube videos and none of them have helped me.”

1–12: My Hair and My Anxiety

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