Why Do I Have To Identify John Lennon’s Dead Body If He’s One Of The Most Identifiable People Of All Time?
He must look extremely different without glasses on.
I’m not downplaying the situation here. This is obviously a very important day where a very famous and recognizable man may have been killed, pending my identification. It’s just that the whole body identification thing begs the question, why do I have to make sure dead John Lennon is truly dead John Lennon?
I know I’m only here because the immediate family is too grief stricken to do it and I understand that what you’re asking me to do is an important part of police work not to be taken lightly. But let’s be honest, do I really need to identify one of the most identifiable members from one of the most identifiable bands in one of the most identifiable music eras of all time?
All I’m saying is there’s been twelve chart-topping albums that have sold hundreds of millions of copies each and all of them feature his face on the cover at least once. “A Hard Day’s Night” has his face on it like five times!
Plastering his face all over The Beatles’ marketing materials and cover artwork so he could be easily identifiable to the most amount of people was exactly what made him and the other Beatles easily…