Why I’m Not Voting For Marnie Piper In The Next Halloweentown Election

She’s become a monster. And not in a good way.

Erin A Ross
3 min readOct 31, 2022



I know this may come as a shock to some, but I can’t stay silent any longer. I will not be voting for Marnie Piper as mayor of Halloweentown this November. This will be my first election not voting Demoncratic but I have to follow my conscience.

I used to look up to Marnie. When she first ran for district 7 on city council, she was the definition of an underdog. Never before had someone raised in the mortal world won an elected title in Halloweentown. As a second generation Halloweentowner, this was a historic moment for me and my family. I remember screaming and crying with my mom and her telling me “this could be you one day.”

And she fulfilled every single one of her promises on city council. She created broom lanes to ease traffic in the city. She created after-goul programs for high risk youth in the community. She established an ambassador program between the mortal world and Halloweentown that has been a key part of her immigration policy. Voting for her in her first mayoral election was a no brainer for me.

Once she took office, however, everything changed. As soon as the recession hit, she did not have the backbone to weather the barrage of criticism and stand by her long term vision. As unemployment started spiking, she began her “immigration reform” policies. She started with setting quotas on the number of mortals who could reside in Halloweentown and tightening requirements for O-1 visas. As loud, conservative citizens began to agree with her policies, she began going further. Soon, there were witches with wands and AR-15 rifles guarding the haunted house border.

This election cycle she’s campaigning on closing the border entirely, bringing us to pre-Kalabar border control. Currently my mother is allowed to stay in Halloweentown since she has her citizenship, but not everyone can be as lucky. Many of my human friends have been frozen in time if they have stayed in Halloweentown too long. Marnie Piper no longer represents human interests and no self respecting human should vote for her.

Is Ethan Dalloway perfect? No. Does he come from a corrupt political background? Yes. But is he a puppet of big Candy Corn? No. It’s also very possible that he will try to enslave all humans. But I am not a believer that the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. I have met a number of devils in Halloweentown and none are as bad as Marnie Piper.

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Erin A Ross

I care about reality tv, comedy, and my friends and family. In that order.