Why You Shouldn’t Use, Gramerly

Because; you dont need it

JL Matthews


Illustration by Gillian Henderson

Writings hard. We all know this. But today its important to remember that learning writing is more important than just putting words into an “Artificial Inteligence Program’ that will tell you, you’re writings good.

I edit my own work, I proofread, my own work. Sometimes, for important work, I have my writing mentor check for places where I can improve, my work. He will check for dangling modifiers, split infinitives, subject/verb agreement. He always sends it back real fast and says, “looks good”, so I know my work is good. After that, I proofread all my work by hand and it only takes me a week or too to check that everything is polished and that the work is good.

Sure. Most of my work gets rejected when I submit it to presitigous newspapers magazines and websites. But I am here to tell you that ‘AI’ programs like Gramerly; Heminway; and others are no substitute for nowing what your doing. Remember, even though I’ve never used those apps, I know they won’t check for things like repeated words. It’s important not to repeat yourself in your work.

I spent, nearly ten years in college; taking journalism; fiction; and english classes. I learned to write and I edited several publications while I was there and I wrote for my blog and I have written articles for: companes…

