Yapjaw: Slackjaw’s Out For Summer
Slackjaw readers and patrons of comedy, my name is Adam Dietz and I am the editor of Slackjaw’s thrice-monthly newsletter Yapjaw. Each month, I will showcase the best and brightest humor on Slackjaw in addition to some other cool stuff from equally cool spots.
As some of you may know, Slackjaw is taking a summer break from June 5th to the end of August. That, in turn, means that Yapjaw will also be on hiatus. This works out well as your beloved editor is getting married in early July and then honeymooning later in the month. Rest assured that Slackjaw and Yapjaw will be back in full force come September. I’ll be excited to share all of the new marriage insights that I’ll undoubtedly have with all of you.
On this week’s edition of Yapjaw, we’re excising the “great work from other great places” section to focus exclusively on some of the great shit on Slackjaw these past few months.
Slackjaw’s Best In Show:
Nobody Appreciates My Erotic Bird Feeders by Laura K Duncan
Introducing MomE, The Virtual Assistant That’s Unhappy With Your Life Choices by James Klein
I Am One Of The Assassins Who Would Not Kill John Wick For A Huge Bounty, But Would Do So For A Slightly Huger Bounty by Jasper Wang
A Wicked Stepmother With Empty Nest Syndrome Is Left Wondering, Now What? by Danielle Martinetti
Every Chess Piece RANKED by Mark Paglia
What Your Houseplant Situation Says About Your Level Of Depression by Chris Holt
Quiz: Saw A UFO, Or Ate A Cheese Pizza? by Sianna Lani
Welcome To Our Fancy Restaurant! Here Are Tonight’s Specials And No, You May Not Know Their Price by Emily Kling
From The Slackjaw Editors’ Desk:
Introducing The Beta Barber: A Male Grooming Tool For Passive Men by Adam Dietz in Slackjaw
To Show You How Much I Love You, I Got You This Big-Ass Candle by Adam Dietz in Slackjaw
Today Seph and Lex are talking to a master of dialogue and inquiry who can help our Better Yous communicate more compassionately AND persuasively. Today we are talking to Angel Eduardo. On this week’s You But Better Podcast.
Editor’s Note:
The tired teacher wept
Divorce was taking its toll
The class watched Space Jam
The Final Bell:
Be sure and follow Slackjaw on all of your favorite social media sites. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, it’s all here.
Interesting in submitting to Slackjaw? Of course you are! Our submission guidelines can be found here.
Spread the word, comment below, tell your friends. Keep reading, writing, drinking, eating, and doing your thing.
Enjoying the newsletter? Have any feedback? Drop me at line at mradamdietz@gmail.com.
More laughs and good times coming this fall.