Yuppie Reviews of AirBnBs in The Republic of Gilead

Erica Lies
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2018

Waterford Home

What a magical place. Feels like a storybook fantasy — or the home section of Anthropologie. What a welcome sight after our weary travel from the Congo. Serena Joy was welcoming and accommodating, even kicking her pregnant Handmaid out of the attic bedroom — quite literally — down the stairs. But we couldn’t complain once we saw the room’s natural light, that clawfoot bathtub, and perfect bespoke bedspread.

— Frank and Katelyn, March 2017

Such a gorgeous home! What. A. Kitchen! To-die-for marble countertops. The Commander and Serena even gave us a tour of the city. The wall with hanging bodies was off-putting at first — we’d never seen such things in our native Mexico despite the drug cartel stereotypes — but after a couple days we really didn’t notice it!

— Jacob, May 2018

Hosts were very hospitable, even providing sustainably-sourced organic dishes. The garden here is a fairy tale. That green house! The wrought iron fence! It’s like stepping into a bygone era where people took pride in the craftsmanship used to keep their sentient wombs from absconding the grounds.

— Adam, May 2016

Empty Warehouse (formerly The Boston Globe)

Nice and roomy pad, though it doesn’t technically have any beds. Great natural light, though. We loved observing the time capsule left behind on the desks of great American journalists (RIP). PLUS! We got it for a reduced price due to some scary bloodstains on the basement walls. Totally off-putting at first, but after a while you see their strange artistic beauty.

— Cooper, Feb. 2018

MacKenzie Country Home

Cold. Dusty. I stayed here when I was escaping Gilead’s #blessed freedom. Wouldn’t recommend, but it worked for my purposes.

— OfAndrew, July 2018

The Red Center

Our tour group stayed here and we slept 30 ladies to a floor! We had excellent security from Gilead’s cadre of wizened aunts. If we got too “spirited,” as they called it, they’d light us up with (tiny, really) electric jolts. But this vintage schoolhouse was. worth. it! There’s so many handcrafted touches, too — like the carvings under the floorboards left by bereft Handmaids.

— Annie, March, 2018

What hospitality! The Aunts oversee every detail for our group and even serve us dinner. Their service is truly a sacrifice, which is probably why the RC employs Gilead’s most devout sadists. We even got adorable old time-y nicknames. Mine’s “OfKyle.” Would definitely stay here again, although we haven’t been able to actually leave. But, the red robes they provide are entirely organic and cruelty-free! Help. I’ll lose a hand for even writing this.

— Tara/Ofkyle, June, 2018

