SlackTime Guidelines

Publish your articles on SlackTime

Expand your reach to a larger audience.

Bianca Giurchita


SlackTime Culture

The modern version of “Jack of all trades” type of person has gained huge popularity lately, especially when it comes to corporate culture. People are generally facing very competitive and strongly digitalized work environments, where they are continuously challenged to learn as much as they can and to become inter — departmentally skilled.

A trend has been created: the more you know, the better. Information is power — and that is a fact — but you have to know where to find it. Sometimes people need a new and fresh perspective, one that has nothing to do with their workplace or the formal setting that they are used to.

The idea behind our concept is that you can actually benefit from braking your working routines and taking some time off from your daily job-related tasks. We are proposing some cool and smart ways of enchasing your knowledge by posting quality content on design, development and marketing topics. This way, you can easily get a comprehensive view of the digital world, without being overwhelmed with heavy language or very specific technical details.

We are trying to simplify the perception of digital world stories in such a manner, so they can be associated with a pleasant and relaxing reading, rather than a strictly informative and boring job-related task.

Take your time to read the guidelines below and become part of our community!

Things to avoid

  • Already-published stories: we accept only unpublished drafts.
  • Bad quality pictures: your stories will look more professional and enjoyable to read if the quality of the pictures is high.

Important note: your thumbnail image will be changed by us in order to keep the design consistent with our brand.

  • Heavy technical and scientific language: we are interested in well-written articles, but we are trying to avoid being too specific in order to make the content available to the less specialized public as well.

Things we are interested in

  • Authentic and creative content: we encourage original voices with a fresh and cool perspective on already known things.
  • Rich visual elements: this is not a must, though.
  • All sizes and forms articles: we do not have a word limitation, as we think that you can write a good story with less than 1000 words as well — quality over quantity. In terms of form, feel free to organize your article as you wish: tops and how to’s are also accepted.


You can publish your article in one of the 3 available sections: Design, Development, or Marketing — so feel free to submit any story related to these 3 topics, as long as it is actual, fresh and easily understandable for a larger public.

Time Response

We’re doing our best to help every talented writer reach our audience, so we make the commitment of getting back to you within 12 hours from the moment of your submission (excluding weekends, when we will get back to you within 24 hours) with valuable and constructive feedback if needed.

Fill out the form below, so we can be smart slackers together:

Thank you in advance!

SlackTime Team

