Hyper Criticism | This Is Serious

Evening Thoughts from 37,000 ft.

Justin David
4 min readSep 19, 2018


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We take ourselves so serious, sometimes we take hyper critical external variables just as seriously. This is fascinating in our rapidly transforming experience of the 21st century. At some point in spacetime we learn that approval from external variables is not the end to our means.

Our willingness to take personal hyper criticism from external variables: careers, community, credentials, data, dogma, family, benchmarks, friends, favorites, mentors, and milestones often leaves us feeling let down and burnt within. We either chase the extremes of expecting too little or too much. Resulting in a loss of connection with who we are born to be. It’s our responsibility to manifest our vision into reality. We increase in strength and accomplishment once we learn that we are born into a thriving ecosystem with everything we need.

We have tremendous access to freedom and opportunity. Right now we chose to focus on the fact there is a boon of growth and increase. Frustration from idle pursuits combined with the deployment of a negative outlook will produce ruin beyond the scope of the ideas considered in this brief paper

Imagine enjoying the pleasant delights of a spectacular Himalayan mountain palace. Then picture sleeping for weeks underneath the glow of the stars on a Polynesian Villa patio. Now visualize waking up on the floor with back pain in a one room minimal urban flat. There is tremendous value in each circumstance when we strive to be grateful. Given the state of affairs around the globe at this point it would be unreasonable to turn back now. We’re out here training. We recognize it doesn’t have to be this way and it could always take a turn for the better.

Napoleon Hill says in his Volume Think and Grow Rich, “At the head of the list comes the Nazarene” (2007, p. 47). Trust worthy core principals demonstrated through Christs compassion and gratitude hash out hyper critical approval as not being sustainable or fulfilling. We are fortunate if we escape the mental blockage of being hyper critically unsatisfied. Moving forward we are encouraged that empathetic analysis is a proper way to scale up (learn more about) and relate to our daily shared experiences.

Why do we chart routes towards becoming what we perceive external variables highly value and deeply approve? Falling on our face repeatedly. Failing to correct the errors in our thinking. Turning light work 10 mile a day travels into disappointing 13 mile bushwhacked debacles into the wrong direction. Funk that! We have no interest to fancy pants these mistakes any further. Our intention and requirement is whatever it takes to share a lot of love and feel grateful about compassion for one another and ourselves in the land of the living. We’ll get there!

Those of us already in consensus on the topic of discussion, realize the benefits embedded within temporary defeats and hyper critical external variables. Set backs are new starting points. The accumulation of stuff and superficial gains is not what this is about. Conversely sharing a lot of love with one another, listening to one another, growing with one another, increasing with one another, and self compassion for one another are at the head start to the finish line.

Each second we are alive we exchange unquantifiable numbers of stimuli and impulses competing for attention from our minds in the form of thoughts, ideas, and actions. Sometimes we have to #debugthescript and remember there is no good output in shutting down when life does not go our way. Thich Nhat Hanh articulates in his book titled Happiness Essential Mindfulness Practices, “When communication is cut off we all suffer” (2009, p. 84). We do not believe Mr. Hanh is trying to suggest our minds fail to communicate when we are not happy. Moreover the implications border mind boggling. We encounter an impressive challenge worthy our shared life long attention.

If we manage and demonstrate a grateful attitude regardless of our suffrage and circumstances then we are able to listen and learn a little more. This form of compassionate communication can be used as proof that external approval in a hyper critical spacetime is reasonably irrelevant. For anybody who may be suffering, we owe it to our future selves to be done with the pursuits of a hyper critical attitude. We are born apart of something deeply loving that naturally grows and increases. We are alive in the land of the living and we share the now in a very personal way.

We are committed to having meaningful engagements with one another. Discovering nothing is missing. Long term who knows what our experience will be? Looking straight ahead hopeful that we may reflect beauty from ashes.

This is important. We determine the life cycle of hyper criticism from external variables. They will or they will not be the fuel that get us along our journey. We are foolish not to start fresh daily making use of a short attention span and push through when it comes to hyper criticism from external variables. Times are changing. Compassion over confidence. The ROI will be the joy we share as a result of not being a hyper critical variable for one another, or ourselves.

Happy and grateful for the opportunity to revisit this topic today. Share a lot of love and a little information. This is serious. Do we not approve? Thanks a ton for reading. Have a super day in the land of the living. For ANYBODY out there who relates. Feel free to comment and clap it up 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 x 10. Later.


Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich Men and Women Who Resent Poverty, Radford, VA: Wilder Publications, 2007, 47.

Hanh, Thich Nhat. Happiness Essential Mindfulness Practices, Berkeley, California: Parallax Press, 2009, 84.



Justin David

Philosophy | 21st Century | Business | Tech | Gardening