Leadership Programs Don’t Create Safe Learning Environments. Relationships Do.

So, what’s your default relationship standard?

Raphael (Raff) Louis Vitón
Slalom Build


Editor’s note: This is the third article in our series about our integral learning model, Build U. Read the first here and the second here.

Anyone notice the trending number of requests for every learning & development (L&D) program to be cohort-based? It usually isn’t coming from a strong belief in the nuances of social learning theory — or the focus on vertical development vs horizontal development. Many business leaders are unknowingly asking for cohort-based in order to compensate for the lack of psychological safety in their company’s culture.

While the work-around makes total sense and the cohort design does help promote strong relationships, the people in the cohort will go right back out into your existing culture right afterwards. The psychological safety differential will become even more apparent and dramatic. It just gets worse, before it gets worse.

Instead of defaulting to every learning environment needing to be an L&D nurtured container, ask yourself these three questions:

1) What’s my default relationship standard?

2) What relationship paradigm have I unconsciously and obediently learned to…



Raphael (Raff) Louis Vitón
Slalom Build

We're always building something - let's focus on building what matters most. First things first, Build U. #iamaninnovationproject