AI in the workplace: Why it’s time to lean in, not out

Tangible steps for embracing the AI revolution

Gilberto (Gil) Villavicencio
Slalom Business
4 min readMay 10, 2024


Photo by Mapbox on Unsplash

By Tamarah Usher, Gil Villavicencio, and Himanshu Taranekar

Are you feeling uneasy about AI and automation at work?

This blog takes a closer look at how the proliferation of AI could influence our professional roles, especially for those of us in individual contributor positions. We’ll address some of the common concerns and apprehensions around AI’s continued advancement and provide insights into how we can proactively adapt our skill sets and mindsets to not just survive but thrive alongside these technological shifts.

Recent Gallup research indicates growing worries about jobs becoming obsolete due to emerging technologies like AI — 22% of workers now fear their roles may become irrelevant. However, much of this anxiety stems from unfamiliarity with AI, which has been advancing quickly in various fields. While AI is great at tasks like image classification and language understanding, it struggles with more complex challenges like advanced math and intricate reasoning.

So, what’s the worry?

Many fear that AI might surpass human capabilities or conflict with organizational objectives. There are worries that AI outputs, which are based on data and algorithms, may come to be valued more than uniquely human qualities like empathy, emotional intelligence, nuanced judgment, and context-driven decision-making abilities.

But here’s the truth: AI isn’t here to replace us. Rather, we can use it to enhance how we work. By learning about AI’s functions and integrating them into our tasks, we can make it a valuable tool that complements our skills rather than supplants them.

Let’s explore this further.

With Martec’s Law illustrating how technology outpaces organizational change, individual contributors face a unique challenge. As AI rapidly advances, it’s crucial for workers to continually adapt, enhancing their skills to effectively harness new technologies and align with evolving organizational goals.

Martec’s Law

So, what does this mean for us, the workforce?

It’s not AI itself that poses a risk, but rather our ability to keep pace with its rapid evolution. To remain competitive and effective, we must shift our mindset: instead of fearing AI, we need to embrace it, constantly updating our skills and approaches to harness its potential. We need to hit the gas pedal on our learning curve and make upskilling a continuous journey. Understanding and leveraging AI is no longer optional—it’s critical!

No matter your role within the organization — whether in marketing, sales, finance, or operations — it’s crucial to adapt and embrace the wave of AI. Below we’ve outlined several clearly defined pathways to help alleviate anxiety and equip you with proven strategies to harness AI effectively.

  • Self-assessment: Start by identifying which of your daily tasks could benefit from AI enhancements. Unsure where to begin? Tools like Slalom’s enhanceIQ can provide guidance.
  • Immersive research: Move beyond theoretical knowledge by shadowing data scientists at work. Witness firsthand the transformative impact of AI in real-world scenarios.
  • Targeted education: Deepen your AI knowledge through formal training and practical applications. Explore free courses to learn specific AI functionalities relevant to your role.
  • Community learning: Establish or join dedicated groups within your workplace focused on mastering AI technologies. Engage in specialized courses on generating effective AI prompts, and create internal groups to share insights and strategies. By actively participating and collaborating, you’ll foster a dynamic learning environment that not only enhances individual skills but also boosts our collective expertise in AI applications.
  • Interactive workshops: Dive into hands-on sessions that encourage collaboration across diverse teams. These workshops are designed to challenge your current understanding and expand your AI expertise.

Staying ahead of the curve

Leaders undoubtedly play a crucial role in setting clear AI objectives, steering strategic directions, and diminishing uncertainties about AI within the organization. As they take the lead, it’s crucial for employees to also engage actively, following the proactive steps outlined above to ensure collective advancement and effective AI integration.

In conclusion, early adopters of AI aren’t merely keeping pace — they’re defining new standards. We’ve outlined several actionable steps to help you embrace AI with confidence, and you can learn more about the journey to becoming an effective business technologist in our feature article here. AI is not just a future possibility; it’s a present reality. With the tools and strategies we’ve provided, you are taking the first step to adapt and excel in this evolving landscape.

Slalom is a next-generation professional services company creating value at the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. Learn more about our approach to AI or download our thought guide.

