C2PA: Embrace the Authenticity of Digital Content

An open technical standard providing publishers, creators, and consumers the ability to trace the origin of different types of media

Umesh Motwani
Slalom Business
7 min readDec 29, 2023


Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

We live in the world of internet and that has been a great tool for sharing digital content in different formats around the world, but it has also been used to spread fabricated media and ideas.

Fake news and manipulated images have become increasingly common, leading to a decline in trust in online content. This has led to the development of various initiatives and organizations aimed at combating the spread of disinformation, one of which is the C2PA.

What is C2PA?

The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) is a collaborative effort between Adobe, Sony, BBC, Intel, Microsoft, and Truepic. The coalition was established in 2021 with the aim of developing a standardized method for certifying the authenticity and provenance (history) of digital content.

Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) data refers to metadata that is used to verify the authenticity and provenance of digital content, such as images and videos. CAI data typically includes information about the author of the content, the creation date, location, and any modifications made to the content since it was created.

C2PA enables the examination of image provenance, revealing its history.

Emergent problems in online media

Declining trust

C2PA’s goal is to restore trust in online content and create a system that allows users to easily verify the authenticity and provenance of digital content, such as images and videos, to ensure that they are not manipulated or altered in any way and to make informed decisions based on accurate information.

Spread of misinformation

C2PA aims to address the growing issue of misinformation, disinformation, and deepfakes, which can be used to deceive people or spread false information. By providing a way to track the origin and history of digital content, C2PA hopes to make it more difficult for bad actors to spread misleading information.

Unknown provenance

C2PA also aims to provide a way to establish trust in digital content by creating a transparent and verifiable record of its origin and history. This could be useful for a wide range of applications, including journalism, advertising, law enforcement, and more.


To clarify, C2PA does not make judgments about the content of an image, so this is not to label content as fake or inauthentic. Instead, the standard allows creators to transparently share the details of how they created an image. This way, an end user can access context around who, what, and how the picture was changed — then judge for themselves how authentic that image is.

C2PA adoption

C2PA approach

The C2PA’s approach is based on a combination of technologies, including cryptographic signatures, watermarking, and metadata. Cryptographic signatures are used to create a unique identifier for each piece of content, which can be used to verify its authenticity. Metadata is used to provide information about the content, such as the date and location of creation.

This approach revolves around open standards and is designed to be compatible with existing workflows and systems. The coalition is working with industry partners and standards bodies to ensure that the system can be adopted widely and effectively.


Below capabilities are provided by C2PA, which is supported by the technical specifications provided here.

  1. Cryptographic signatures: The C2PA uses cryptographic signatures to create a unique identifier for each piece of content, which can be used to verify its authenticity. The cryptographic signature is generated using a mathematical algorithm that produces a unique value based on the content itself. If the content is modified in any way, the signature will change, indicating that it has been tampered with.
  2. Metadata: Metadata provides information about the content, such as the date and location of creation. The C2PA uses metadata to provide additional information about the content, which can be used to verify its authenticity and provenance.
  3. Standardization: One of the main capabilities of the C2PA is the development of open standards for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content. This standardization allows for interoperability between different systems and tools, making it easier for users to verify the authenticity and provenance of content across different platforms.
  4. Collaboration: The C2PA brings together industry partners and standards bodies to ensure that the system can be adopted widely and effectively. This collaboration is crucial in ensuring that the C2PA’s capabilities are widely adopted and that users have access to the tools they need to verify the authenticity and provenance of content.
  5. Solving for existing media content: It can be challenging to embed data for the content created previously. C2PA recommends creating a manifest along with the information attached to the image to make an assertion. Keeping the C2PA manifests external from the asset is an acceptable model for providing providence to assets.

Proof of concept

Here is the GitHub link of a quick C2PA project that reads and writes manifest to an image. This PoC used Rust programming language. You can also check out Rust SDK here.

Technical specifications

  • Asset: A file or stream of data containing digital content, asset metadata, and optionally, a C2PA manifest.
  • C2PA manifest: The set of information about the provenance of an asset based on the combination of one or more assertions, a single claim, and a claim signature. A C2PA manifest is part of a C2PA manifest store.
  • Assertion: A data structure that represents a statement asserted by an actor concerning the asset. This data is part of the C2PA manifest.
  • Ingredient: Part of a composed asset, such as an image superimposed on top of another image.
C2PA architecture


The benefits of the C2PA’s approach are clear. By providing a standardized method for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content, the coalition can help restore trust in online content and prevent the spread of disinformation. This can have significant implications for a range of industries, including journalism, advertising, and e-commerce, where accurate and reliable information is critical.


However, there are also some challenges associated with the C2PA’s approach. One of the biggest is ensuring that the system is widely adopted and that users have access to the tools they need to verify the authenticity and provenance of content. This will require cooperation and collaboration from a range of stakeholders, including technology companies, content creators, and governments.

  1. Tool kit: Different tools used to edit the digital content need to integrate C2PA to capture edits to digital media. The Adobe Photoshop feature called Content Credentials (Beta) adds content metadata to images.
  2. Adoption: Without widespread adoption by a wide range of stakeholders, including technology companies, content creators, and governments, the benefits of the C2PA’s approach may not be fully realized.
  3. Integration: The C2PA will need to be integrated into existing content creation and distribution workflows, which may be challenging for some stakeholders. For example, implementing cryptographic signatures may require changes to existing content management systems.
  4. User awareness: Tools used to embed the content need user permissions and activation. Users will need to be aware of the C2PA and its importance for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content. Education and outreach efforts will be needed to ensure that users are informed about the benefits of the C2PA and how to use it effectively.
  5. Privacy concerns: There may be privacy concerns associated with the use of metadata and other information that is used to verify the authenticity and provenance of digital content. Stakeholders will need to ensure that privacy is protected while still providing users with the information they need to make informed decisions about the content they consume.
  6. Cost: One needs to have the right set of tools and certificates to implement C2PA. It can be costly for some stakeholders, especially smaller content creators and distributors. There may be a need for funding and other support mechanisms to ensure that the benefits of the C2PA are accessible to all.

Overall, while the C2PA offers a promising solution for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content, there are also several challenges that will need to be addressed to ensure its success. Collaboration and cooperation from a wide range of stakeholders will be essential to overcome these challenges and realize the benefits of the C2PA.

The C2PA’s success will likely be determined by how well it is able to address these challenges and meet the needs of stakeholders.

Transforming digital content

In conclusion, the C2PA is an important initiative aimed at combating the spread of disinformation and ensuring that users can trust the content they see online. By creating a standardized method for verifying the authenticity and provenance of digital content, the coalition can help restore trust in online content and prevent the spread of disinformation. While there are challenges associated with this approach, the benefits are clear, and it is important that we continue to support and promote initiatives like the C2PA to ensure that the internet remains a reliable source of information for all.

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Umesh Motwani
Slalom Business

Umesh is currently a Technology Consultant at Slalom LLC, very passionate about new technologies and how it helps to solve business challenges