Global Privacy Day — A Look Back (and Forward)

Michelle Wimmer
Slalom Business
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2022

Happy Global Privacy Day from Slalom’s Global Privacy Center of Excellence! We’re taking a moment to reflect on where we’ve been…and look toward the exciting things on the horizon.

Photo by George Prentzas on Unsplash

Where we’ve been

Last year was a pivotal one in privacy as consumers continued to demand more and more from companies in regards to protecting and providing transparency around their data. This focus on privacy has spread across the globe and is demonstrated through changes in regulations, fines of both large and small corporations, and the potential of a US federal privacy law.

At Slalom, our client work reflects what is happening with consumer demands and regulatory changes. Our clients are buckling down and adopting a privacy-first mentality to how they do business. Companies we work with have turned their attention to developing data governance teams — they’re taking it beyond compliance and evaluating data privacy with an ethical lens.

Where we’re going

This year we welcome a director to our team, Matt Pollard, who is leading Slalom’s Global Data Privacy Center of Excellence. As a company, we are investing in growing our privacy offerings and helping clients reach their organization’s privacy goals.

2022 is already off to a strong start as we continue to see an increasing demand for privacy offerings from our clients — reflective of both the consumer and regulatory demands. Our clients are coming to us with the need to develop privacy frameworks, activate governance models, and create a global strategy to address evolving regulatory needs.

We’re excited for everything that lies ahead and thrilled to continue to help our current and future clients put privacy first. For more information, get in touch with the director of Slalom’s Global Privacy Center of Excellence, Matt Pollard.

Slalom is a global consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation. Learn more and reach out today.

