Harnessing innovation: Insights from the Smart City Expo USA 2024

Justin Tormey
Slalom Business
Published in
5 min readJun 6, 2024
Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

By Justin Tormey and John Tomik

At the Smart City Expo USA 2024 in New York City, we at Slalom had the unique opportunity to share our vision of the intersection between science fiction and real-world technology. This post will recap and expand on the ideas presented during our talk titled “AI, Sci-Fi, or Real Life?,” where we explored how technologies once confined to the realm of science fiction are now transforming our daily lives and shaping the future of smart cities.

AI, sci-fi, or real life?

Science fiction has long been a source of inspiration for technological innovation. Films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Terminator, Minority Report, Her, and Interstellar have depicted advanced technologies that seemed far-fetched at the time. Yet many of these technologies are now part of our reality. At Slalom, we believe that by examining these fictional portrayals, we can gain insights into the potential and ethical considerations of emerging technologies.

Sci-fi often presents a dramatic and dystopian view of technology for entertainment. That AI is out to conquer the world, the robots are starting wars with humanity, or our society has collapsed due to our overreliance on technology. Typical Hollywood fare. However, our approach at Slalom Element lab212 focuses on leveraging these emerging technologies to fight these dystopian futures. We truly believe we can understand these technologies, find the problems they’re best suited to solve, and build better tomorrows for all.

Digital humans and AI assistants

Films like Her introduced the idea of AI companions capable of deep, emotional interactions. Today, AI-driven digital humans and assistants are enhancing customer service and providing companionship, simulating humanlike interactions to offer personalized support and engagement. At Element lab212 we’re exploring the edges of embodied AI within both robotic and wearable technology. We’re preparing ourselves for a future world, much like Her, where it’s possible for everyone to have their own highly personalized AI assistant with them at all times.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

Movies such as Minority Report wowed audiences at the time with futuristic AR interfaces, and Ready Player One depicted a vision for fully immersive VR worlds. Now, AR and VR are transforming education, training, and entertainment by overlaying digital information onto the physical world and creating fully immersive environments. These technologies create interactive learning experiences and practical training applications that were once the stuff of imagination.

John Tomik (right) speaking onstage at Smart City Expo USA 2024, with Ted Schilowitz (center) and Justin Tormey (left)

The future of entertainment and smart cities

Ted Schilowitz, an entertainment industry futurist and partner of Element lab212, spoke during our keynote presentation on the concept of entertainment venues as microcosms of smart cities. Places like Disneyland and Disney World integrate advanced technology to create immersive experiences, serving as models for urban innovation.

“Cities, like entertainment venues, can leverage technology to create engaging and interactive experiences for residents, transforming everyday environments into dynamic spaces,” said Schilowitz.

The legacy of Star Trek

Schilowitz spoke in depth about how the Star Trek franchise of TV shows, books, and movies has been particularly influential in shaping our vision of the future. The series introduced several technologies that seemed impossible at the time but have since become realities.


The Star Trek communicator inspired the development of mobile phones. Today, we have smartphones that are far more advanced, integrating functions such as GPS, internet browsing, and high-definition cameras. The Humane Ai Pin exemplifies this evolution, being a wearable AI-powered cellular device that performs tasks using voice commands and AI, potentially becoming more capable than the communicators depicted in Star Trek.


The tricorder, a device used for scanning and diagnosing, has parallels in modern medical technology. Portable ultrasound machines and advanced diagnostic tools are becoming more common, bringing sophisticated healthcare to remote locations.

Handheld computers

The PADD (Personal Access Display Device) used in Star Trek is similar to today’s tablets and e-readers, revolutionizing how we access information, work, and communicate.

“Science fiction like Star Trek has not only inspired innovation but has set the blueprint for many of the technologies we now take for granted in our daily lives.“ — Schilowitz, Smart City Expo USA 2024

Augmented cityscapes

Schilowitz also discussed the potential of augmented reality to enhance cityscapes, making real-world experiences richer by overlaying digital data onto the physical environment. Unlike the Holodeck, popularized in Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series, which creates a complete simulation and escape from reality, augmented cityscapes enrich our real-world interactions. AR can provide real-time information, navigation aids, and interactive experiences in urban spaces, transforming static infrastructure into a dynamic, adaptive environment.

AI agents and urban integration

The final forward-looking thoughts were presented at the Smart City Expo USA by Justin Tormey, Slalom’s director of Element lab212. He discussed the rapid advancement of AI language models and their implications for urban living. Large language models running on cloud services, such as ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Gemini have transformed how many people are interacting with machines today. Meanwhile, significantly smaller AI models with billions of parameters are capable of running on much less powerful mobile devices or completely offline, making AI accessible to individuals nearly anywhere.

Personal AI agents

Looking ahead just a few years, it’s plausible that everyone will have personal AI agents capable of understanding and anticipating their needs. These AI companions will assist with daily tasks and integrate with city infrastructure, managing everything from personal schedules to interfacing with smart city systems to optimize energy use, transportation, and public services.

AI and city systems

Future cities will need to accommodate and interact with these personal AI agents, creating a symbiotic relationship between residents and urban environments. This integration can lead to more efficient and responsive city management, tailored to the needs of its inhabitants.

“As AI technology advances, we will see a future where personal AI agents are seamlessly integrated into our daily lives and urban infrastructure, creating smarter and more responsive cities,” said Tormey.

Building better tomorrows

John Tomik, managing director at Slalom, concluded with a vision for leveraging these technologies to build inclusive, sustainable cities. The future depicted in science fiction is no longer a distant dream but an imminent reality. By focusing on ethical, human-centered design, we can harness these advancements to create urban environments that enhance quality of life and foster community well-being.

“By embracing the innovations inspired by science fiction, we have the opportunity to create cities that are not only smarter but also more inclusive and sustainable,” said Tomik.


The theme for the Smart City Expo USA 2024 was “Lead Your City into the Future.” Our session highlighted the transformative potential of current and future technologies inspired by science fiction. AI, AR, digital humans, and robotics are no longer just theoretical concepts; they are actively reshaping urban living.

For our clients and partners, the key takeaway is clear: embracing these technologies is essential for staying competitive and creating smarter, more sustainable urban environments. At Slalom, we are committed to guiding and supporting our clients in integrating these innovative solutions into their strategies, building better tomorrows for all.

Slalom is a next-generation professional services company creating value at the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. Learn more and reach out today.

