Innovation Unleashed: Making It Real

Through innovation, we can turn bold ideas into tangible realities that help leaders move their businesses forward.

Slalom Business
3 min readFeb 29, 2024


By Dave Richards

Beyond talk: Showcasing real innovation at Innovation Days

In times that test our resilience and creativity, innovation isn’t just a buzzword — it’s our lifeblood.

This past week, Slalom Chicago hosted Innovation Days, an open house–style showcase of innovative technology. Our experts showcased multiple groundbreaking technologies, many currently in flight with our clients and alliance partners.

These events are more than just a showcase — they’re proof of our innovation in action. They’re also conversations, offering a chance to connect, collaborate, and co-create with industry leaders. Whether it’s delivering skilled talent at scale via AI, reducing human error through automation, or augmenting human interactions, the art of what’s possible is here now.

“Slalom’s Innovation Day was a great opportunity to see the art of the possible and how emerging technology can have an impact on our business. Not only were the use cases enlightening, but it was impressive to see how quickly and cost-effectively these proofs of concept can be brought to market for rapid iteration,” said an attendee from a major financial services organization.

At Slalom, we don’t just talk about the future. We show it, presenting real-world examples of using groundbreaking technologies to redefine business outcomes. It’s an opportunity to see, touch, and discuss the tangible results of our innovation efforts, including many AI-driven solutions. In these interactions, the true spirit of innovation comes alive, fueled by partnership, collaboration, and the shared pursuit of transformative success.

Slalomer Erin Markowski presents on automation through computer vision, which is poised to unlock the next horizon on the automation frontier.

Our panelists unpacked how to create a culture of innovation from the ground up. Attendees heard Slalom’s guiding principles of innovation brought to life with real-world success stories. They also learned from organizations leading the way in accelerating innovation to create a thriving innovation ecosystem.

Where customer intimacy meets innovation

Our mantra at Slalom is personalization. Our clients aren’t just entries in a database; they’re partners on a collaborative journey. We get deep into the weeds of what makes each business tick, ensuring that our innovative solutions are not only cutting-edge but tailor-made to fit each client’s unique needs and goals.

One example of expanding the art of the possible while respecting the client’s unique needs included collaborating with leaders at a major airline on their generative AI (GenAI) capabilities. They recognized GenAI’s potential to elevate a wide range of core functions. Their teams generally understood how the technology worked, but the company had yet to get GenAI use cases into production.

Working with a major technology partner, we educated the airline’s teams about GenAI. We helped them extend their new MLOps platform to create a GenAI “test bed” solution — essentially an incubator for GenAI use cases.

The airline stands to create a lot of value by incorporating GenAI capabilities in these areas. For example, a customer care solution powered by GenAI may be able to increase agent productivity by 40% to 60%. That means faster responses to passengers’ feedback, leading to faster resolutions, and ultimately, happier customers.

This focus on customer intimacy means we’re constantly attuned to the shifting landscapes our clients navigate, adapting our strategies and solutions in real time. It’s a dynamic, interactive approach to innovation that yields better results and builds more robust, meaningful relationships with our clients.

Innovation isn’t just something we do; it’s who we are. It’s about making real what others only imagine, proving our mettle through tangible results, and personalizing the journey at every step. We’re not just navigating tough times but redefining them, one innovation at a time.

Slalom is a next-generation professional services company creating value at the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. Learn more and reach out today.



Slalom Business

Slalom is a global consulting firm that helps people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all.