Staying Compliant and Getting Ahead in the Ever-changing Consumer Privacy Landscape

Michelle Wimmer
Slalom Business
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2021

By Michelle Wimmer and Donna Krivas

The landscape of consumer privacy legislation in the US continues to evolve, as different states take their own unique approach. Today California, Colorado and Virginia have signed statewide legislation and an additional 30 states have statutes or bills in progress.

Companies have a complex challenge of understanding, planning, and complying with applicable regulations. Slalom’s team of data privacy experts can help your company strategize for the current and ever-changing landscape of data privacy. We’ll help you get your company on par with where it should be now and create a plan for the future.

1. Assessing where your company is now

Slalom helps clients assess their current consumer privacy compliance program and landscape. We work together to address existing needs and make sure companies are in the best position possible as it relates to data privacy.

We start by taking an inventory of where the client is doing business from an industry and geographic standpoint to understand what legislation is in play. Then, we look to understand the gap between where the organization is and where it should be as it relates to the specific regulations. Following the gap analysis, we partner with client teams to help them become compliant with current legislation.

2. Planning for the future

Devising a sustainable and agile plan is imperative for our clients to avoid financial penalties and fines—not to mention the potential risk to an organization’s brand for non-compliance. This planning not only safeguards our clients for compliance, it allows them to be seen by their customers as being at the forefront of issues on consumer data privacy.

At Slalom, we do this by creating alignment with our clients to understand their goals as it relates to geographic and industry expansion with the lens of consumer data privacy. Some of our clients wish to be compliant with the legislation and follow a national approach for data privacy using the most stringent states’ legislation. Other clients prefer a state-by-state compliance approach. Furthermore, depending on the industry, some clients want to be at the head of consumer privacy and take not only a compliant but also a customer-first privacy approach, going a step further to be recognized as a leader in protecting consumer data

After we have alignment with our clients on their goals, we work evaluate the existing people, processes, and technology. We identify the pain points and barriers that could potentially inhibit future success. For example, we work to understand what our clients have in place to stay aware of and address changes with legislation in an agile manner. Most of our clients need help in at least one of the three main areas of people, process, or technology—if not all three—to devise a sustainable model for the future. We equip them with a roadmap and recommendations for a resilient go-forward strategy.

At Slalom, we’re here to help our clients and prospective clients work to understand the implications of consumer privacy legislation. With these approaches in mind, we can help you develop an action plan for the changing legislative landscape in consumer privacy. Let’s talk.

Slalom is a global consulting firm focused on strategy, technology and business transformation. Learn more and reach out today.

