Improve Customer Experience and Loyalty with Lead-to-Cash

Learn how to create better customer interactions with L2C processes.

Casey Sung MBA
Slalom Customer Insight
3 min readMay 16, 2023


Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

Lead-to-cash (L2C) is a critical business process that encompasses all stages of the customer journey, from lead generation to final sale and invoicing. By optimizing L2C, organizations can streamline their sales processes, improve sales effectiveness, and enhance the customer experience.

The L2C process refers to the set of business activities and systems that take place from the initial customer inquiry or lead generation to the sales process, the closing of the sale, and ultimately to the collection of payment for the goods or services sold. L2C is unique in that it takes a comprehensive approach to enable businesses to identify and address inefficiencies and improve the customer experience at every touchpoint along the way. Additionally, by automating the L2C process, businesses can reduce errors, enhance sales effectiveness, and optimize revenue.

Benefits of an L2C process

Amplifying the customer experience is a crucial aspect of the L2C process. By leveraging customer data and insights, organizations can personalize the sales process, tailor their sales and marketing efforts, and provide a seamless, personalized, and hassle-free buying experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.

Below are some topics to consider for a well-designed L2C process implementation.

Real-time visibility into order statuses

One way to improve the customer experience is by providing visibility into the order process. This can include real-time updates on order statuses, shipping and delivery times, and billing and payment information. By keeping customers informed about the status of their orders, organizations can build trust and transparency with customers.

Ordering and invoicing

Another way to enhance the customer experience is by simplifying the ordering and invoicing process. This can include enabling self-service portals, electronic signature capabilities, and automated billing and payment options. By eliminating unnecessary steps and paperwork, organizations can make it easier for customers to buy from them.

Leveraging technology

Organizations can also leverage technology to optimize L2C. Automating manual or disconnected sales processes can provide immediate visibility into the sales pipeline, enhance collaboration between sales teams and other departments, and accelerate the L2C cycle time. This further allows organizations to augment the customer experience, reduce errors, and improve sales team productivity.

The impact of L2C in cybersecurity

Slalom recently partnered with a cybersecurity technology provider to streamline the quoting and costing process for its reseller business. The company was struggling with manual product configuration, pricing, verification, and long partner negotiation cycles, causing delays in sales.

Within three months after the L2C project, the company achieved automatic availability of source and cost information for around 1.5 million products in their configure-price-quote (CPQ) system. This allowed for more accurate and expedited quote creation for approximately 750 business users. Thanks to the new CPQ system, the company’s complex product suites were chosen accurately on the majority of quotes, and cost information was recorded at the quote level for negotiation and reporting.

As a result, the company increased visibility and efficient management of preferred product source information, dramatically reducing the number of daily quote approvals required. The resulting efficiency allowed for scalability within the team and peace of mind knowing the correct source was chosen automatically for the hundreds of quotes created each day.

Potential L2C challenges

Despite its benefits, some organizations can face several challenges when optimizing the L2C process. These challenges include departmental silos, inefficient lead routing, lack of visibility into the sales pipeline, difficulty generating accurate quotes, long sales cycles, high quote-to-cash cycle times, and manual or disconnected sales processes. Developing one seamless end-to-end lead-to-cash process is not always easy, requiring specialists from several areas of business disciplines (marketing, sales, finance, logistics, technology, and more) to work together to come up with a cohesive process.


In summary, the L2C process is critical for organizations looking to improve sales effectiveness and enhance the customer experience. By leveraging technology, improving the sales process, and simplifying ordering and invoicing, organizations can optimize the L2C process and provide a seamless, personalized, and hassle-free buying experience to their customers.

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Casey Sung MBA
Slalom Customer Insight

Management Consultant at Slalom specializing in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Adjunct professor of CRM at Montclair State University.