Uncorking the Genie

How Tableau Genie can provide a more impactful customer experience

Laurie Rugemer
Slalom Customer Insight
3 min readJan 6, 2023


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

By Laurie Rugemer and Dave Dixon

At Dreamforce this year, the big news was the unveil of Salesforce Genie — a “hyperscale, real-time data platform” that helps companies unify customer data and deliver seamless, personalized experiences across the Salesforce clouds. Many of the innovations underlying Genie are currently powering the Salesforce Customer Data Platform (CDP), but will extend to sales, service, and commerce.

We’ve heard a lot recently about what Genie can do, and Tableau just announced their native integrations to Genie. In this blog post we’ll explore the benefits and some potential use cases of unlocking the power of Genie with Tableau.

To start, let’s talk about what Genie will do for your customers. At its core, it offers a robust way to harmonize disparate customer data sources into one view. To truly create impactful personalized experiences for your customers, data about a customer must be unified and viewable in a digestible way.

Salesforce Genie allows you to integrate, harmonize and consolidate customer data so that marketers, salespeople, and service agents can better understand their customers’ activities and engagement across all channels and devices. Salesforce CDP enabled you to engage your customers with more impactful and personalized messaging. Genie promises to extend this harmonized customer view beyond marketing to other areas of the business, such as sales and service.

In an earlier blog series we explored how better data infrastructure can create better experiences in your CRM. The series walked through how leveraging cloud data warehouses like Snowflake and analytics platforms like Tableau as part of your CRM implementation could super charge CRM experiences. We explored how this can work in specific industries like banking, healthcare, nonprofit, media and entertainment, and retail. Conceptually, Salesforce Genie is another form of data infrastructure. By combining Genie with the robust analytics power of Tableau, you can enable insights for better segmentation, customer engagement, sales, and service in Salesforce.

Genie’s ability to combine, rationalize, and unify all kinds of customer data — such as attendance at customer events, engagement on websites, past order information, and customer satisfaction scores — is a good start. Tableau extends the power of Genie by allowing you to visually explore these insights, recognize trends, drill into data, and gain a deeper understanding of customers’ needs and activities.

Leveraging Tableau, marketers can dig into customer segments and answer questions like:

  • Where have marketing campaigns been successful?
  • Which customers segments are engaging the most?
  • What is the ROI on marketing investments? And where should we invest more next quarter?
  • Which segments have the most churn with customers?
  • What does web traffic across our sites look like?
An example of a Tableau dashboard delivering Genie-powered insights. Source: Witherspoon Johnston, A. (2022).

The benefits of leveraging Genie with Tableau don’t stop with the marketing department. Imagine you’re a call center agent and you have dozens of cases to work. How do you prioritize where to start? Do you work the oldest case first, or do you work the most urgent and impactful case based on what you know about the customer?

With Genie and Tableau, you can prioritize the most impactful cases for your customers based on their most recent interactions across all channels. Leveraging predictive models surfaced in Tableau, you can quickly identify which customers are most likely to churn or which cases are most likely to escalate so that you focus on high-priority customers first. Once customers have been engaged, agents can leverage Tableau analytics to quickly understand the customers website and order history, compare customers to similar peers, and have more informed conversations as they work to resolve customer issues.

Whether you are looking to use Genie for marketing, sales, or service use cases, Tableau can provide a powerful analytics capability for exploring, discovering, and ultimately better understanding your customers.

Slalom is a global consulting firm that helps people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all. Learn more and reach out today.

