Financial Services: From Evolution to Revolution

Learn how artificial intelligence is redefining the financial services industry.

Slalom Data & AI
7 min readAug 15, 2023


By Richard Winston

Today, we stand on the threshold of what is potentially the early stages of the “Intelligence Revolution” — an era that promises to redefine the boundaries of technology and its influence on our lives. Fueled by artificial intelligence, advanced language models, and unparalleled and widely available computational infrastructure, this revolution has the potential to reimagine our world much like predecessor revolutions.

The Intelligence Age will be marked by an unprecedented integration of technology into the fabric of our lives. AI and advanced computational models will not only automate tasks but also provide insightful solutions to complex problems. Advancements in AI, machine learning, and advanced computation are set to transform our economic activities, societal structures, and business strategies. The financial services sector, intrinsically linked with data and analytics, is central to this transformation, offering to reshape everything from risk management to customer interactions.

An AI revolution in financial services

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the financial sector often finds itself at the forefront of change. The AI of today is in its early days, much like the introduction of MS-DOS to personal computing: functional, yet at the precipice of an evolutionary leap, its potential intuitively obvious. As in the MS-DOS era of commands, rules, and functions, AI needs our input to churn out results. From fraud detection to credit scoring and algorithmic trading, AI augments our capabilities but waits for our commands.

In banking, the AI of the future will evolve from providing passive support to an active financial advisor that offers personalized advice based on customers’ lifestyle habits and aspirations. Insurance is already reaping AI’s benefits in streamlined middle office processing, risk assessment and fraud detection. Soon, however, AI could play an integral role across the insurance lifecycle, leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) data for dynamic policy creation and risk forecasting.

In wealth management, AI promises to shift paradigms by potentially maturing into an autonomous financial advisor. It could analyze data and predict market trends using both traditional and non-financial indicators, like climate patterns or political developments, offering real-time portfolio evaluation and adjustments. Such advancements could democratize wealth management, making it accessible to broader demographics. Capital markets, already familiar with AI through algorithmic trading, stands to gain more as AI could synthesize multifaceted data for comprehensive market analysis, making investing a truly data-driven process.

Financial services reimagined

In the emerging Intelligence Era, lines between humans and technology blur, and generative AI promises to redefine the way we interact with our digital world — AI stands to become the new UI. As a result, tomorrow’s financial services customers will have expectations at the intersections of technology and experience that are far more advanced than what is common today. Here are a few key intersections where we expect to see enhanced expectations:

  1. AI-powered personalization and user experience: Customers expect AI-driven personalization extending beyond product recommendations to proactive advice and custom financial planning.
  2. Omnichannel consistency: Seamless transitioning between devices with real-time data synchronization is anticipated across platforms.
  3. Smart automation and human interaction: While automation will be prevalent, customers will expect smart integration of human advisors for complex decisions.
  4. Immersive technologies for financial management: With advancements in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), customers may expect immersive experiences for financial management.
  5. Instant services: The future financial services customer will expect real-time services such as immediate loan approvals and predictive market insights are anticipated.
  6. Integrated financial ecosystems: Customers will expect financial services to be integrated into broader ecosystems involving health, education, lifestyle, and more.
  7. Sustainable and impactful investments: Customers will be keen on ensuring that their investments are not only financially sound but also have a positive impact on society and the environment.
  8. Globalized financial services: With an interconnected global economy, customers will expect easy access to international markets, multi-currency accounts, and global financial products.
  9. Data control and ethical use: Customers will demand greater control over their personal data and expect financial institutions to be transparent and ethical in how they use customer data.

AI-powered user experience

Financial service providers of the future will need to keep pace with these evolving expectations by adopting innovative technologies, focusing on customer-centric experiences, and aligning their services with societal values and needs. Let’s imagine three customer experience journeys across banking and wealth management, insurance, and capital markets.

Alice, a tech-savvy 28-year-old data scientist, uses an AI-driven financial planning app, SmartWealth. The app analyzes her financial goals, spending habits, and risk tolerance to provide hyper-personalized investment advice. Additionally, Alice uses Q-Risk, a tool that leverages quantum computing to perform complex risk analyses, helping her simulate various market conditions. SmartWealth’s retirement planning feature assists Alice by forecasting her financial trajectory and suggesting strategy adjustments. Through these personalized and sophisticated services, Alice illustrates the empowered consumer of the future.

Now, meet Amanda, a 35-year-old environmental consultant, mother of two, and user of the AI-powered insurance broker app, InsureBot. The AI queries her needs, preferences, and data, recommending hyper-personalized insurance plans for her family. For their health insurance, Amanda’s family wearables integrate with the policy, allowing for real-time health monitoring and dynamic premium adjustments. A significant feature of the app is the automated claims processing system, which efficiently assesses damage through photos and swiftly approves the claim. Through these advanced insurance services, Amanda portrays how the Intelligence Revolution has transformed the insurance sector.

Finally, we have Blake, a 32-year-old equity and bond trader at Omega Capital, a forward-thinking capital markets firm. Blake utilizes AlphaBrain, an AI-driven analytics tool, for daily market insights, and OmegaQuantum, a quantum computing tool, for portfolio optimization. Compliance monitoring is an integral part of his job, which is aided by ComplyGuard, a RegTech tool. Blake’s story underscores how AI, quantum computing, and blockchain have equipped traders with unmatched insights, efficiencies, and opportunities.

How AI is shaping operations

Beyond the customer experience, the transformative potential of AI and machine learning (ML) in financial services is extensive, encompassing everything from automating manual processes, enhancing risk assessment, and preventing fraud to simplifying regulatory compliance and contract management. AI and large language models (LLMs) can also optimize financial analysis and forecasting, intelligently process documents, provide round-the-clock employee support, and pinpoint opportunities for process optimization.

Meet Margaret, the pioneering Chief Operating Officer at Scale Bank, a significant regional US bank. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in banking operations, she champions their use in improving both customer-facing and internal operations. Familiar with the AI applications in front-office functions, such as enhanced customer experience through AI chatbots, personalized financial products, robo-advisory services, real-time fraud detection, and comprehensive credit scoring, she envisioned an equivalent digital revolution within the bank’s operations.

In a bid to innovate, Margaret inspired her team to explore ways AI and LLMs could enhance internal procedures. Their investigations identified key focus areas such as automating regulatory compliance, where AI and LLMs could review policies and interpret complex regulations. They also highlighted the role of AI in intelligent document processing, reducing data entry errors, and elevating efficiency. Similarly, they saw potential in AI-powered employee support chatbots for managing routine HR queries, thus freeing up resources for strategic tasks. Additionally, AI systems could improve risk management by analyzing extensive data and making precise predictions, while also monitoring workflows to optimize processes. These innovations promise to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and elevate the employee experience.

The outlook is promising. Financial institutions that utilize AI and ML to streamline and enhance their internal operations are poised to gain a competitive edge. Trailblazers like Margaret will set the pace in an industry increasingly defined by digital innovation and sophistication.

Embracing the future of financial services

As we stand at the cusp of the Intelligence Revolution, we bear witness to an unprecedented convergence of artificial intelligence, advanced language models, and computational infrastructure redefining what’s possible in financial services. Whether it is in banking, insurance, or capital markets, we see a future where AI evolves from a mere tool to an integral, ubiquitous force transforming the global financial ecosystem. In this new era, we envision AI powering not only the user interfaces but also creating a highly personalized, dynamic, and accessible user experience.

Considering these immense possibilities, financial service providers must actively engage with this transformation. Stakeholders must anticipate upcoming trends and challenges, focusing on customer-centric experiences and aligning their services with societal values and needs. As AI technologies become increasingly influential, it is our responsibility to ensure a future of finance where AI is embedded, integrated, and benefits all.

Now is the time to take a bold step towards this AI-powered future, proactively embracing the change and carving a path towards technological revolution, enhanced efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Harness the power of AI, re-engineer operations, and create an engaging customer experience that is intuitive, personalized, and delightfully interactive.

Slalom is a global consulting firm that helps people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all. Learn more about Slalom’s human-centered AI approach and reach out today.



Slalom Data & AI

Slalom is a global consulting firm that helps people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all.