How to Leverage Data to Achieve Net Zero

Wondering how to build a more sustainable business? Start by harnessing your data.

Jessica Stern
Slalom Data & AI
3 min readAug 3, 2022


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

While there are still some companies waiting to take the step toward a more sustainable future, many are setting ambitious goals for carbon neutrality or net zero emissions within the next few years. However, when it comes to tangible progress, some have more to show than others.

The difference between the leaders and the laggards is often the effective use of data. It’s impossible to get a clear picture of your current performance — or the ultimate destination — without corralling reams of data into actionable goals. Effective data use is often what transforms a company’s ESG journey from just words and commitments into tangible changes and progress.

As Richard Butler, the Head of Data Science at Slalom UK, said at the Salesforce World Tour event in London this past June, most companies today have a huge amount of data — what makes the difference is enabling users to interpret and see stories in it.

Harness the volume of data

The sheer volume of data most companies process daily not only requires optimising collection and analysis, but also finding the right data streams and automating the collection process. According to Hass Jishi, head of Net Zero Cloud UKI at Slalom, manual data collection can significantly slow progress and prevent companies from seeing an up-to-date picture.

It often takes companies up to six months to gather the facts, figures, and reports needed to measure the impact of their data. If that’s the case, how are they able to move the dial? And how can they come up with initiatives that make a difference?

Make the data visible

Once you’ve identified and collected the right data, the impact will be significant. For example, we worked with a chemical manufacturing company that was experiencing a supply shortage of raw materials. Having an accurate, up-to-date picture of materials across the business gave the company the ability to reuse and recycle materials, ensuring that new materials would only be purchased when they were needed. For this reason, data visibility is extremely valuable.

Empower day-to-day operations

It’s challenging for any business to be successful in their sustainability transformation without making environmental progress part of the day-to-day operations. Data is the most effective way to embed small, impactful changes in teams’ targets, methodology, and day-to-day thinking.

In the case of the chemical manufacturing client mentioned above, requesting monthly updates on environmental metrics from each team was a crucial step. This change resulted in a broader mindset shift to build sustainable thinking into the business operations. It’s now a part of everyone’s daily routine — a pivotal step toward long-standing progress.

Focus on small wins

Every organisation’s net zero journey needs to start somewhere. To effectively minimise environmental impact, data is a non-negotiable part of that journey. By placing Salesforce’s Net Zero Cloud at the forefront of your ESG program, you open the door to a more sustainable business. Slalom can help you leverage your data to create a culture of innovation and action by using comprehensive and easy reporting to provide the fastest possible path to net zero.

Slalom is a global consulting firm that helps people and organisations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all. Learn more and reach out today.

