The low-hanging-fruit fallacy in data science and machine learning

Learn how to build flexible data science solutions for long-term success

Jack McCush
Slalom Data & AI
5 min readJun 3, 2024


Photo by Gary Barnes via Pexels

In business strategy, particularly in data science and machine learning (ML), the allure of low-hanging fruit is hard to resist. The term “low-hanging fruit” metaphorically refers to easily achievable tasks or goals requiring minimal effort to reap substantial rewards. However, prioritizing these tasks can sometimes lead organizations into a trap known as the low-hanging-fruit fallacy. This fallacy, if not recognized and addressed, can mislead an organization into underestimating the subsequent challenges, complexity, and resource requirements, potentially leading to significant setbacks in its data science and machine learning initiatives.

Understanding the fallacy

In the context of data science and ML, the low-hanging-fruit fallacy typically unfolds in several stages, each of which is crucial to understand and navigate.

  1. Initial success: Organizations start their data science journey by identifying and solving the most accessible problems that promise the highest immediate returns. These problems are appealing because they often require straightforward analytical methods and yield significant insights or performance improvements. The success of these projects boosts confidence and justifies further investment.
  2. Scaling complexity: Encouraged by early wins, the organization tackles more complex problems. However, unlike the initial difficulties, these subsequent challenges are not as straightforward. They involve messier datasets and complex data governance challenges, require more sophisticated modeling techniques, or have less clear-cut objectives.
  3. Inadequate approaches: The simple tools and techniques that worked for the initial projects are often insufficient for addressing more complex issues. At this stage, the organization might face a steep learning curve for advanced AI methods, longer project timelines, increased costs, and a higher likelihood of failure.
  4. Strategic misalignment: Persisting with the same approach can lead to strategic missteps. As problems become more complex, the benefits gained from solving them frequently decrease, while the effort needed to solve them increases. This mismatch can lead organizations to allocate resources inefficiently, focusing on lower-value problems when other strategic initiatives offer better returns. Delays can also lead executives to lose faith in the solutions and cut investments in AI technology. I contend this contributes to past AI winters we’ve observed.

Examples in data science and ML

A typical scenario might involve a company that initially uses ML to optimize its email marketing campaigns. It’s a relatively straightforward problem with readily available data and clear metrics for success. However, as the company attempts to apply similar techniques to predict customer churn or optimize its supply chain, the initial models, which processed structured and clean data, are inadequate for handling high-dimensional, noisy, and unstructured data.

Mitigating the low-hanging-fruit fallacy with generalizable approaches

Adopting generalizable approaches is one effective strategy to mitigate the low-hanging-fruit fallacy in data science and ML. This method involves developing solutions that, while initially more complex and time-consuming to implement, are robust and flexible enough to tackle a wide range of problems, from simple to complex. A more generalizable solution is often a great way to avoid the pitfalls associated with the fallacy.

Developing generalizable solutions

The core of this approach is to create models and methodologies that can be easily adapted or scaled to different types of data challenges within the organization. This could mean investing in more universal ML models or building robust data pipelines across various use cases. The key advantage here is that once these systems are in place, they can be leveraged repeatedly without significant reconfiguration, thus speeding up the resolution of subsequent problems and reducing the overall delivery cost.

Steps to implement generalizable approaches

  1. Invest in advanced tools and technologies: Early investment in high-quality, scalable tools and technologies may initially seem costly but pays off by providing a solid foundation for various data science tasks. For example, using customized extensible models instead of slowly evolving point solutions can facilitate project speed and flexibility.
  2. Focus on transfer learning: Utilize approaches like transfer learning, where a model developed for one task is repurposed as the starting point for another task. This saves time and enhances the model’s performance on new problems, even complex ones, by transferring knowledge from previous tasks.
  3. Develop modular systems: Build modular data processing and ML systems that can be easily adjusted or expanded. This flexibility allows the organization to tackle new and more complex problems more efficiently.
  4. Cross-functional collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration across different teams to ensure that the solutions developed are applicable across various organizational domains. This helps in understanding diverse needs and embedding flexibility in solution design.
  5. Iterative refinement: Adopt an iterative approach to developing these systems. Start with a prototype that addresses a general class of problems and refine it over time as more specific requirements and challenges emerge.

Long-term benefits

While this approach may initially slow down the delivery of results, it sets the stage for significant long-term benefits.

  • Reduced costs: Over time, the cost of adapting and maintaining data science solutions decreases as the same core systems and models are used across different projects.
  • Increased efficiency: As the generalizable systems mature, they can solve problems faster, reducing the time from problem identification to solution deployment.
  • Enhanced adaptability: Organizations become more agile and respond quickly to changing market conditions or internal demands without extensive redevelopment of their data science capabilities.
  • Higher ROI: Ultimately, organizations can enjoy a higher return on investment by avoiding the trap of the low-hanging-fruit fallacy and building a robust, scalable data science practice.


Incorporating generalizable approaches into the initial phases of data science projects can effectively mitigate the low-hanging-fruit fallacy. By building flexible and adaptable solutions, organizations ensure that their data science capabilities become durable, strategic assets supporting long-term success rather than just a series of quick wins. Recognizing this fallacy is the first step toward mitigation, allowing organizations to understand and anticipate the complexities of scaling data science operations. This foresighted strategy not only curbs incremental costs but equips organizations to tackle future challenges with greater efficacy, ensuring that the fruits of labor in data science are ripe for sustainable and scalable success.

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