Salesforce Evergreen

Magical sword for salesforce developers.

Slalom Technology
3 min readNov 26, 2019


Photo by Peter Vanosdall on Unsplash
Photo by Peter Vanosdall on Unsplash

Super excited to share about “Salesforce Evergreen” which is going to offer magical sword for salesforce developers.

In your current project, there could be applications built using node js, Java, AWS, google products, etc… other than salesforce. Using evergreen, all these applications can now easily talk to salesforce without the need of server and it scalable i.e. used only at the time of Evergreen function invocation.

In another word, I would say Evergreen gives the flexibility to implement certain functionalities which are not easily attainable using apex. Let me walk you through with the use case.

Use case: Salesforce needs to extract records based on certain criteria, generate a flat-file and post it into a flat-file directory.

Why a flat-file directory? There are third-party applications that still exist (old age systems)and FTP is the only way to connect to their systems.

Can this be done using Apex? Not directly access FTP in Apex Code, because FTP requires multiple ports and interactive sockets.FTP port is not available for call outs. You will need an intermediary to translate the request into something that can connect to the FTP server

After Evergreen:

Before Evergreen :

I have just shared an approach below to implement the use case. There are other approaches too i.e. using data loader CLI with bat file, SOAP WSDL etc…


  1. If we consider Node.js there are number of pre-built libraries which can be leveraged. These libraries come from npm. We can effectively leverage open source libraries.

2. Salesforce follows industry standard i.e. cloud event which receives the request at the time of invoking Evergreen function.

3. Good part is these applications can be packaged. Wonderful opportunity for ISV`s too.

4. Serverless architecture which doesn't require server management to build and run applications.Hence it is cost effective.

Reference architecture from salesforce blog:

Screenshots from keynote session:

This is my first post and I am happy to share this with our salesforce community.

Please share your valuable thoughts, use cases on how you would leverage Evergreen.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

