How to : Setup Notifications for IOS in Unity.

Caden Burleson
Published in
Jan 26, 2021
All scripts taken from video above Credit :
Kee Gamedev on Youtube.

Game development is hard and takes a lot of time and patience. I’m writing this article to save myself some time when developing and also in the hope that it will save you precious development time as well.

Create a new C# script in Unity called “Notify”

Download or Copy the code from the link here and paste it into your Notify Script.

Create a new empty gameobject in Unity and name it something like “NotificationManager”

Drag and drop the Notify script onto the Notification Manager script.

Build Your Game to IOS

Now if you pause your game on IOS and go into another app and or the home screen on your phone you should get a notification every 30 seconds for your game/app.



Caden Burleson

I’m just trying to put a dent in the universe.