For Your Life to Improve You Must Both Commit and Uncommit

Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull
2 min readSep 17, 2018


So often we want things in our world to be different and we know that certain behaviours must change and we need to develop new habits, behaviours or actions and we commit to these, however, we are still doing things that counteract these new habits, behaviour or actions.

For example:
HEALTH — you may commit to walking for 30 mins every day, but have not uncommited to eating junk food while sitting on the couch watching TV for 4 hours in the evening

RELATIONSHIPS — you may commit to speaking nicely to your friends, spouse or colleagues to their face, but you have not uncommited to slandering them to others behind their back

FINANCE — you may have committed to increasing your income through creating more business deals, doing overtime, getting a second job, but you have not uncommitted from overspending.

SPIRIT — you have committed to reading your Bible and Praying but have not uncommitted from staying in your comfort zone and instead step out in faith into the unknown.

PRODUCTIVITY — You may have committed to planning and organising your day, but you have not uncommitted from procrastination and giving into distractions.

For me:
I chose to commit to personal development by reading every day and uncommit from binge Netflixing every night until 11PM

I chose to commit to being a better parent by giving my boys my full attention we spent time together and I had to uncommit from checking my phone during family time.

I chose to improve my health by walking daily and I had to uncommit from hitting snooze 3 times.

I chose to commit to improving my business and I had to uncommmit from chasing shiny new ideas and being distracted by email and social media notifications by turning them off while I focused on my work.

What changes or improvements do you want in your life and what do you need to commit to and uncommit from?



Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull

Love my husband and 3 boys and having adventures. Passionate about helping others discover who they are create to be and what the were purposed to do.