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How to Move From Scarcity to Abundance

Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2018


Most people live with a scarcity mindset. In certain parts of the world, the population has a good reason to feel this way. There is a shortage of food, clean water, and housing in much of the world. Much of our scarcity thinking is driven by advertisers and the media in general. We are encouraged to consume and achieve more.

Even when we have enough, we’re told that we need a better car, better clothes, or a higher income to be successful and impress the neighbours. It’s no wonder we feel like there isn’t enough for everyone.

Move your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance with these 8 strategies:

1. Those with a scarcity mindset have a very short-term perspective.

If you regularly find yourself only concerned with entertaining yourself as much as possible each moment, you might have a scarcity mindset. The utilization of resources right now prevents them from being taken away later.

2. Focus on what you already have.

You might already have enough to have a grateful and positive mindset. When you see that you have enough, you won’t be worried about losing it. You have plenty.

Overeating and overspending can be symptoms of a scarcity mindset. “Better eat it or spend it now before it’s gone” is poor way to view the world.

3. Avoid people that complain a lot.

Complainers have a scarcity mindset. You’re more susceptible to the mindset of others than you think. Find positive people to include in your social circle. There are so many people in the world, why spend time with those that make your life harder?

4. Focus on what you can have in the future.

Instead of worrying about what you might lose, spend some time thinking about what you can gain in the future. Look forward to the future rather than fear it.

Try this; take some time to get creative and imagine an exciting future filled with possibilities. This will help you to develop positive feelings about the future. Isn’t that the foundation of an abundance mindset?

5. Avoid wasting time.

By taking part in frivolous activities, you waste your most valuable resource — your time. Value your time and you’ll have more of it. A good way to value your time is to manage what you do in it and plan what you do. Here is a great FREE resource to help you take control of your time click here to get yours.

6. Keep a journal.

Keep it positive. List the things in your life that make you feel grateful. Did you know that the very act of being grateful changes your brain by releasing Dopamine and Serotonin?

Here is a little info on these amazing chemicals from an article at

A Shot of Dopamine — whether expressing gratitude for what’s good in life or showing gratitude to someone who has helped you, the neural circuitry in our brain (stem) releases dopamine. Dopamine makes us feel good! And, because it feels good, we want more. It triggers positive emotions, we feel optimistic, and it fosters camaraderie. It also drives prosocial behaviours. Ah-ha! Put that under how to enhance performance, because dopamine has been linked to intrinsic motivation in goal accomplishment, whether academic, personal, or professional.

A Swig of Serotonin — when we reflect on or write down the positives in life and at work, our brain (anterior cingulate cortex) releases serotonin. Serotonin enhances our mood, (think anti-depressant), our willpower, and motivation. And yes, serotonin has also been called the happy molecule

So while you are journaling be sure to mention all the good people in your life, take time to be grateful for who you are, what you are able to do, and the things you have, such as a home, a job, a car, family, friends, and so on.

There is abundance around you all the time. You simply need to stop, look and be grateful.

7. Get organized.

Getting organized can greatly hasten your move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Organize your closet, garage, or attic. You’ll be surprised by how many things you own. Getting organized will also free up more time. When you realize that you have more things and time than you thought, you’ll think more abundantly.

8. Be generous.

Convince yourself that there is enough for everyone by sharing what you have. The more you’re willing to share, the more others are willing to share with you. That includes sharing your time. It doesn’t seem to make logical sense but when you give, it WILL be given to you.

One of the primary steps to having more is believing that there is enough for everyone. When you have a scarcity mindset, you become defensive and protective. You also create the false belief that everything will be a greater challenge than it is. When you imagine that something is difficult, you’re more likely to procrastinate or discourage yourself altogether.

In Conclusion:

An abundance mindset won’t magically place a Mercedes in your garage or add few zeros to your bank account. However, an abundance mindset will allow you to enthusiastically take the necessary steps to make these types of changes in your life.



Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull

Love my husband and 3 boys and having adventures. Passionate about helping others discover who they are create to be and what the were purposed to do.