8 Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Motivation Everday

If you try to do something great, you’ll inevitably encounter obstacles. The more obstacles you encounter, the more difficult it is to keep your motivation at a high level. In these moments, you need techniques to fuel your motivation engine.

Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull
Published in
5 min readDec 30, 2018


Here are 8 simple ways you can supercharge your motivation.

1. Focus on the things you can control.

The more you focus on things out of your control, the less motivated you’ll feel. When you focus completely on things you can control, you’ll realize that you can quickly and easily change your situation. Every day, focus on the things right in front of you. Don’t waste your time or energy on things out of your control. Obstacles not only hinder out motivation it can also steal our joy and peace. Taking control of your thoughts focusing on things that are good and positive will keep you moving in the direction of the life or business you want.

One useful technique is to write down all the good thing happening in your world. There is a wise saying that goes “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8).

2. Constantly remember your purpose.

Why are you pursuing a goal or dream in the first place? What is the big, audacious purpose that motivated you to embark on the journey? More time with your family? More money? Getting the dream job? To keep your motivation high, constantly keep your purpose in front of you.

Knowing your big why or purpose gives us a reason to keep going. A simple way to keep this before you is to write out, read and imagine your purpose daily.

4. Celebrate the small wins.

It’s important to keep the big picture in front of you, but it’s also crucial to celebrate the small wins. Remember, you climb a ladder one rung at a time. You’re reaching your goal one step at a time. Celebrating the small wins will allow you to see the progress you’re making and increase your motivation levels.

It is good to blow your own trumpet every now and then. Unfortunately, this world has a bad habit of knocking people down. Really, you are responsible for championing yourself along, don’t wait for others. Celebrate small wins in a way that satisfies you!

5. Act first, feel later.

One of the best ways to get your motivational juices flowing is to simply take action. If your goal is to read fifty books in one year, sit down and read a book for five minutes. If your goal is to lose 10 kilos, go for a 10 minute walk. It’s common for motivation to follow action. Once you take the first step, you’ll feel motivated to keep going.

We often think we are required to take huge steps to keep motivated. We also think that we first have to feel like it before we do it, but it’s the other way around, do it and then you will feel like it. It is the small steps taken consistently that have the biggest impact in the future and continue to motivate and move you forward.

A great book to read is The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. Check it out here: https://amzn.to/2GHOEiM

5. Do visualization exercises.

By visualising a compelling vision for your future goals, you bring the future into the present. As you visualise the growth of your business, the clients you have, what you will be able to do with the increase of income, the holidays you can take, etc, you’ll feel your present motivation skyrocketing and the obstacles you’re facing will melt into the background.

To effectively visualise you have to see what will be happening, hear what you would be saying to yourself ( affirmations / declarations) and others, and how you will feel when you are operating the business you want and living the life you want. Before you begin, remove all distractions, get comfortable and relax. The best time to visualise is first thing in the morning while your brain is still in creative mode and in the evening just before you go to bed because your neurons continue to fire and wire while you sleep.

6. Write it ~ Read it ~ Say it ~ Believe it.

Once you have visualised, take time to write down your goals, read them and say them out loud along with your affirmations or declarations. Next, you have to believe it! This may take time because you are changing the neurons in your brain, which takes time and is often a challenge. the more you Visualise, write it read it say it, the sooner you will really begin to believe that it is possible o achieve the goals you want.

Writing, reading and saying help your brain to make the necessary connections as you will be using 3 communication modalities:

  • Visual ~ Read it
  • Auditory ~ Say it
  • Kinesthetic ~ Write it

7. Break your big goal into chunks and bite size pieces.

As they say, to eat an elephant you must do it one bite at a time. The same goes for your goals. A goal is usually a big picture ambition that has a number of chunks that make it up. Within these chunks are even smaller bite sizes pieces.

Depending on your ability to focus, it might be necessary to break up the goal into segments that last anywhere from one week to 12 weeks. This way your brain can experience success and logically see a positive long-term outcome. You’ll procrastinate if the path looks too challenging.

Brainstorm and make a list of all the things you will need to do to make your goal a reality, then priorities them, next write down how long it might take you to complete each task (bite) and then write a plan to accomplish it. Keep it simple and do something everyday to move youtowards your goal, no matter how small.

The more you achieve, even small tasks, the more you will stay motivated and build momentum.

8. Surround yourself with people who motivate you.

One of the most effective ways to boost your motivation is to surround yourself with other people who are motivated. If you’re building a business, spend time with other passionate entrepreneurs. If you’re working toward a goal weight, join weight loss support groups. You need encouragement and support as you pursue your goals.

We were never designed to do life alone. Just as it takes a community to raise a child, it takes others to help you succeed. Where possible invest in a coach or mentor. Just as a professional athlete have a coach who is trained to see where they need to grow and can help them with the tools and knowledge to help them build strength and skill, so can a professional coach or mentor for you.

Our recommendation for choosing a coach or mentor is to find someone who you connect with and you trust to push you and not let you slacken off.

These ideas may be simple, but they’re profound. Put these to work in your own life and watch the success appear before you.

For more information on Business Leadership Coaching contact us today for a #coffeechat at https://slapthatbull.as.me/coffeechat



Narelle Fleming
Slap That Bull

Love my husband and 3 boys and having adventures. Passionate about helping others discover who they are create to be and what the were purposed to do.