Slash is launching in Product Hunt

Tomya Mateo
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Today, Slash launched officially in Product hunt. We are so lucky to be hunted by Kevin William David.

We are expecting to impact the number of some metrics such as visits, new opened wallets, comments, business partners, likes, shares, emails.

What Is Product Hunt? When is happening? How to support us?

Product Hunt. Is one of the best communities to discover new products globally. Most of community are either founders themselves, their teams and early adopters.

The launch will take place next Tuesday, April 18th, 2023 on the following link.

In order to support us, we need your help to spread the word. Collaborations are not just ⬆ upvotes, even though the are very appreciated. Still, there are other ways to support our launch to share through your network.

Posting on social media may be another option(especially LinkedIn and Twitter and please tag the the company). Word of mouth is also welcomed, so if you know any friend or colleagues which may be interested, please let them know about our launch in Product hunt.

What’s Product Hunt?

Product Hunt is a site to discover and launch new tech products. Hundreds of products are launched every day, which attracts close to 5 million visits a month.

The platform includes a voting and comments system.

What’s Slash?

We are a web3 payment provider for businesses. In other words, we make it easier for businesses to receive payments in cryptocurrencies. Merchants can receive payments in most ERC-20 tokens.

Summary about us:

  • We currency support 6 different types of Blockchain protocols: ETH, Polygon, BNB chain, Avalanche, DOGE and Astar. We will keep adding even more.
  • With Slash, there is no need to exchange currencies on a decentralized exchange (DEX).
  • Merchants can set either a payment link or a QR code.
  • We do not charge any fees to our merchants, nor a cost per transaction but a % from slippage.
  • Suitable for requesting crypto payments in stores, for menus, receipts or for any site where they accept EC.

How you can help

Option 1: Like & retweet our Social Posts

Option 2: Share about us with your network, linking to our Product Hunt

Option 3: Share through your emails.

Useful links

Example Social Media Posts

You are free to tailor posts as you wish, we would like to be @mentioned. If case, that you are looking for ideas about what to post, please find some options below:


@SlashWeb3 Congrats on the Product Hunt launch today! They are a web3 payment provider for other businesses, please visit their PH page here:

Congrats @SlashWeb3 on your Product Hunt launch! Please take a look at this Startup working in changing cryptocurrency payments.

Thank you all so much for the support!



Tomya Mateo

Writing about DeFi & Blockchain I 🇩🇴🇩🇪🇺🇸 🇯🇵🇦🇷