VeryLongSlash NFT (SBT) Airdrop!🎉🎉🎉

/Slash Project Official
/Slash Project Publishing
3 min readApr 23, 2024


We are holding an airdrop of VeryLongSlash NFT (SBT) that can be used as a KeyNFT when staking SVL on the Slash Vision Portal to those eligible for the airdrop.

*Slash Vision Portal is scheduled to start providing functions sequentially.

About VeryLongSlash NFT(SBT) AirDrop

The “Fox” that appeared in the PV “これが新型の「おあいそ」/ スラッシュ” announced in October 2022 has reappeared as a VeryLongSlash NFT (SBT)! VeryLongSlash NFTs (SBTs) can be used as KeyNFTs when staking SVL on the Slash Vision Portal, and SVL stakers can earn SVL and MNT incentives as contributors to the Slash ecosystem.

In addition, VeryLongSlash NFT is an SBT, which allows staking rights to depend on wallet addresses, and even those who do not own Alice can stake SVL. The Boost percentage for rewards is set at 5% for VeryLongSlash NFT (SBT) and 10% for Alice.

This time, only “Fox” was airdropped, but please look forward to the reappearance of “Sushiya”.

・PV “これが新型の「おあいそ」/ スラッシュ”

VeryLongAnimals x Slash NFT has already been airdropped to various wallets on the Mantle Network, so please check it out.[toggles][0]=ALL

About SVL Staking

SVL Staking SVL holders have the opportunity to stake their SVL tokens, which initiates the process of acquiring SVL TimeLock NFTs. These are soul bound tokens, meaning they cannot be transferred to any other wallets, and these NFTs, similar to Uniswap V3 LP NFTs, serve as a representation of governance rights within the Slash Project, granting holders Voting Power. The amount of Voting Power attributed to SVL TimeLock NFTs is directly proportional to both the duration of the staking period and the quantity of SVL tokens staked. This structure incentivizes prolonged engagement and commitment to the ecosystem, reinforcing the importance of long-term participation. Staking SVL involves depositing the tokens into the SVL Staking Contract, a designated smart contract designed to manage the staking process securely. During the staking process, SVL tokens are staked using a allowlisted NFT on the Mantle Network, referred to as the KeyNFT. It’s important to distinguish between the KeyNFT and the SVL TimeLock NFT: the former acts as the cryptographic key utilized for staking, while the latter represents the tangible outcome of the staking process. Currently, the Alice NFT and Genesis NFT series in the allowlist eligible to be used as a KeyNFT, and more NFT collections will be added into the allowlist through ecosystem governance. Once the staking period is set and SVL is staked, SVL cannot be unlocked until the staking period concludes. To unstake the SVL, holders require the same KeyNFT used during the initial staking process. It’s crucial to emphasize that without the KeyNFT, access to the staked SVL is impossible. Therefore, selecting an NFT meant for long-term holding as the KeyNFT is paramount to ensure uninterrupted access.

About Taxable Force Unlock

The Taxable Force Unlock function allows SVL TimeLock NFT holders to unstake SVL before the completion of the staking period by paying a fee. Initially set at 50% of the staked tokens, the force unstake fee decreases linearly to zero as the end of the staking period approaches. These fees are collected into the Slash reserves and allocated towards future initiatives, such as marketing, product development, and ecosystem enhancements, aimed at fortifying the entire ecosystem. This mechanism offers flexibility to participants while contributing to the sustained growth and evolution of the Slash Project.

About VeryLongAnimals

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