Writing a Custom Conditional Vue Directive

Just another fancy post title.

Moritz Lang
Slashkeys Engineering
2 min readFeb 28, 2017


The task

There is a modal component on the page I’m currently working on. The modal contains a set of textfields which are generated using v-for over the fields property to keep it dynamic. When toggling the modal the first textfield should be focused automatically.

The first, very trivial, solution I tried was to set the input to autofocus if the textfield’s index equals 0. It looked like the following snippet:

<div v-for="(field, index) in fields">
<input type="text" v-if="index === 0" autofocus>
<input type="text" v-else>

This “solution” actually kind of worked, but only on the initial page load. If I were to open, close & reopen the modal the focus would not be set.

The final solution

The solution I finally came up with is in my opinion pretty cool & flexible. Basically I wrote a custom directive named v-focus which set’s the element it is set on focused, only if the passed expression evaluates to true. This allows me to shorten the above snippet to this simple one-liner:

<input type="text" v-for="(field, key) in fields" v-focus="key === 0">

I think for this example the code says more than thousand words, so here it is 😊

Please feel free to give me your feedback for the final solution & fork it on JSFiddle.

To finally wrap up this post I just want to point out how much I like VueJS & it’s new, but simple and powerful, ecosystem incl. VueRouter & VueX.

Have a nice day / night & happy coding! ✌🏻



Moritz Lang
Slashkeys Engineering

Swift Developer / Software Engineering student @codeuniversity