#Walkthrough — Accessing Your Statements and Certificates

Chris Kwekowe
Slatecube Stories
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2018

This walkthrough for downloading statements and certificates is for registered Slatecube users with a laptop or pc only.

As you progress through your career development journey on Slatecube, a key indicator of this progress, and generally the major prerequisite for eligibility into our internship and job placement stage, is the issuance of a statement of accomplishment (or a certificate) in that given field.

This #Walkthrough will help you do the following;

  1. access certificates and statement of accomplishment of all completed professional programs on Slatecube, and
  2. download the image version of these certificates for offline viewing.

#Step 1 — Login to the My Desk Area

Slatecube leverages a simplistic design to ensure that navigation is as easy as possible. The ‘My Desk’ area is every Slatecubers account management and notification panel. In order to access your desk, you will have to login by visiting the homepage (or any other page having the login link).

From the homepage, click the Login link at the top of the homepage. A modal pops out requesting for your username and password (which you used in creating your Slatecube account).

#Step 2 — Navigating the ‘My Desk’ to access the ‘Certificates’ area.

The My Desk area is designed to allow users access and control their activities and notifications on Slatecube. The MyDesk options are available at the left corner of the screen. The fifth (5th) option is the Certificates option. Click this to open all certificates issued to you.

#Step 3 — Browsing issued certificates.

The Certificates area shows all issued statements and certificates from the most recent one to the earliest one issued. Each one has a dedicated slab with a ‘view’ and ‘Copy Url’ option below. Clicking the ‘view’ option opens that certificate.

Slatecubers can also share their certificates/statements on LinkedIn (or other social networking platforms) and with other recruiters by simply clicking the ‘Copy Url’ option below each issued certificate or statement of accomplishment and pasting the link anywhere. Same applies to sending the link via email.

#Step 4 — Viewing your Certificates online.

Clicking the ‘view’ link opens up the certificate/statement. Honestly, there’s nothing more fulfilling that being certified on your path to a great career!

On the certificate, to the top right corner, you’d see a text that says “[Generate Print/Save Version]”. Click this text to automatically generate an image version of this certificate/statement.

#Step 5 — Downloading your Certificates.

Once you click the “[Generate Print/Save Version]” two arrow-like pointers (as shown in the image above) slide out to the left corner of the screen with instructions to right click on the certificate and select “Save Image”. Do exactly as instructed. Choose where you want the file to be saved on your computer. That’s it! You now have your certificate on your device.

#Step 6 — Viewing your Certificates offline.

To access certificates or statements you have stored on your device, you do not need to be connected to the internet. Simply locate where you stored the image on your device and open with your default image viewer by double-clicking the image file.

While we are actively pushing for more institutions to recognize and endorse our certifications, we’ve been developing a portfolio of nearly 10,000 companies and organizations who consider Slatecube Talents first before anyone else.

Our statements and certificates qualify candidates for internships and job placements as they become available. Complete any of our in-demand program now and start on your path to a great career!

