“I’m sick” in Korean (아파요) — Let’s learn Korean phrases!

Published in
Dec 19, 2021
Photo by Carolina Heza on Unsplash

10 useful Korean phrases to say when you are sick!

아파요. / 몸이 안 좋아요. = I’m sick. / I’m not feeling well.

어디가 아파요? = What’s wrong? / Are you okay? / Where does it hurt?

Describing symptoms:

열이 나요. = I have a fever.

콧물이 나요. = I have a runny nose.

기침을 해요. = I have a cough.

어지러워요. = I am dizzy.

감기에 걸렸어요. = I caught a cold.

Body parts + 아프다: to describe which part hurts


배가 아파요. = My stomach hurts.

목이 아파요. = I have a sore throat.

머리가 아파요. = I have a headache.

