Korean Possessive Particle 의

Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2021
Photo by Yohan Cho on Unsplash

Possessive Particle 의

The Korean possessive particle 의 is used to indicate possession and connection of the noun. It is similar to the English “‘s” or “of”.

Pronunciation: If we pronounce 의 on its own, it will sound like [으이]. If it follows a noun and acts like a particle, the pronunciation will be [에].

Usage: Noun 1의 Noun 2

*의 comes right after Noun 1, and there will be a space between 의 and Noun 2

*의 is often omitted in daily conversations


1)이것은 누구의 책이에요? / 이건* 누구 책이에요? (everyday speech)

= Whose book is this?

*이건 is the contraction of 이것은

2)그것은 친구의 가방이에요. / 그건* 친구 가방이에요. (everyday speech)

= That is my friend’s bag.

*그건 is the contraction of 그것은

When 의 encounters pronouns, contractions will happen as well.

저의 → 제 = My / Mine -Polite Form-

나의 → 내 = My / Mine -Casual Form-

너의 → 네 = Your / Yours -Casual Form-

*Since the pronunciations of 내 and 네 are very difficult to distinguish, Koreans tend to say 네 (the casual form of “your / yours”) as [니]


1)저의 생각이에요. / 제 생각이에요. (everyday speech)

= It’s my opinion / It’s what I think.

의 can be used on abstract concepts as well.

2)이건 네 안경이야? (everyday & intimate speech)

= Is this your glasses?

Instead of saying 내 (“my / mine”), Koreans like to say 우리 (“our / ours”). It still has the meaning of “my / mine” in this context though.

  1. 내 집 → 우리 집 = My house
  2. 내 나라 → 우리 나라 = My / Our country
  3. 내 엄마 → 우리 엄마 = My mom

