Visual Marketing 101: How to Seduce Email Subscribers with Visual Content

Sleeknote’s E-commerce Favorites
3 min readDec 4, 2017

Did you know that humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish?

Shocking, right?

In Microsoft’s study of the human attention span, they found that we only have an attention span of about eight seconds.

That means it has become much harder for email marketers to create email campaigns that not only capture their reader’s attention but holds it long enough for the reader to take action.

Luckily, there’s one tactic that can do both:

Visual marketing.

By incorporating visuals into your email marketing, you have a greater chance of people reading your emails and completing the desired call-to-action.

In fact, humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, which is quite significant when you consider that you only have eight seconds to get your message across.

But visual marketing isn’t just about adding an image or two to your emails. The right visuals in the right emails can increase your email engagement significantly, but the wrong visuals in the wrong emails will do just the opposite and turn your readers off.

There’s a fine balance. And it’s a balance I’ll help you find in this post.

You’ll learn how to use different types of visuals in your email marketing, and see examples of what other businesses have done.

Want More Email Marketing Inspiration?

Writing good marketing emails is TOUGH. To help, we’ve put together an email marketing swipe file, including 41 email marketing examples (organized by category), plus, a few other goodies not featured below (*cough* killer Facebook Ad examples *cough*).

Free Downloadable Bonus
Get access to our e-commerce email marketing fundle and improve your email marketing today (include resources not included in the blog post).

How to Use Visual Marketing in Your Email Campaigns

Much has been written about visual marketing in relation to content such as blog posts, social media, and so on.

But visual marketing should also be considered in relation to email marketing (especially if you want your emails to stand out from the competition.)

Using visual elements in emails isn’t for everyone, and it’s about figuring out what works best for your business. There are many email marketers such as Ben Settle, Brian Dean, and Pat Flynn who rely on plain text emails — and with great success.

Visual email content is commonly used by e-commerce retailers. But it can just as easily be applied to all other online businesses — provided it ties in with your brand image and how you want your audience to perceive you.

Today, I’ll go through four different types of visuals you can use in your email marketing:

  1. Product images
  2. GIFs
  3. Videos
  4. Personal Images

I’ll show you when, where, and how to use them, and also if you should be using them at all.

Let’s dive in.

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Sleeknote’s E-commerce Favorites

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