Elizabeth Goh CS2006 Individual Curation

Elizabeth Goh
CS2006 Final Project: Sleep More
2 min readMar 25, 2015

1) This campaign adopts a humourous approach in using the indexical sign of slep-deprived people as zombies. The use of zombies as an indexical sign is used to indicate people who are sleep-deprived, as audience has prior understanding that zombies appear haggard, just like people who have insufficient sleep. This symbolic sign hence creates a visual representation of how sleep-deprived people increasingly resemble zombies in their daily behaviourwhen they lack sufficient sleep. Graphic movement is also used, as the directional lines of the beds coming from above guide the audience’s eye along the sequence of the beds towards the zombies. This creates a logical connection between how the sleep-deprived “zombies” will be cured from sleep-deprivation if they obtain rest.

This novel idea plays on the idea of sleeplessness being so dire that it causes humans to adopt zombie-like behaviour. This parodies the original health issue of not obtaining enough sleep. This method of execution is something that we’d like to emulate, especially in terms of creating a hyperbolic parody of the physical effects of sleeplessness on an individual’s performance. The use of symbolic signs and exaggerated portrayals of the issue are things that we hope to execute in our project.


2) This campaign adopts a musical, humourous approach to addressing the issues interfering with the character’s ability to sleep soundly. The use of movement is apparent as the camera moves with the main character through a follow-shot. This helps to achieve narrative unity as the character journeys through a sequence of events before returning to his starting point. This narrative execution strategy is something we’d like to employ in our own project as we’d like to show the debilitating effects of sleeplessness on a person’s daily life through sequential events.The campaign also heavily emphasises pathos, as it engages in heavy use of humourous, dramatic aspects to take a softer approach to the issue of noise interfering with sleep. This is aided through the actor’s facial gestures and choreography as he dances through the various scenes. This is a method which we hope to employ in our project by creating smooth scene transitions to simulate a sleep-deprived person’s actual journey through the events of daily life.

The video also uses attractive changes in lighting to facilitate plot continuity and development. The lighting of each scene is of a different intensity and colour, which helps facilitate different moods and atmospheres.


